Wake Up: The “Illuminati” Has No Power Except Your Fear Of Them

It’s 2019 and so called “conscious” black people are still running around talking about what the “Illuminati” is going to do to us, it’s pathetic.

First off, those old white men in the secret societies are not “illuminated”. They have a lot of money and they hate every thing that isn’t white and rich, but they are not almighty, powerful super villains. When it comes down to it, they are disgruntled descendants of cave dwellers that are desperately trying to prove to the melanated world that they are important and worthy.
Seriously folks, some of y’all talk about these old caucazoids like they are God. I thought you were “God” Black Man and Black Woman, that’s what you say. So how then could melanin deficient descendants of cave dwellers who had to be “civilized” by our ancestors convince you that they have all the power and you are helpless and hopeless. They even use our ancestors symbols to scare us. Where the hell you think they got the “all seeing eye” from and the pyramid they flaunt? It’s ours!
They’ve tried EVERYTHING and we’re still here: slavery, rape, prison, murder, chemtrails, poisoned the food, poisoned the water, vaccines, brainwashing, and the list goes on and on. All that effort to kill us yet THEY are the ones having trouble keeping a positive birth rate. Besides if they really had something really powerful they would only need to use one thing, not a thousand. Obviously whatever they’re trying is not working. So why the f*ck are you afraid? As long as we operate from a foundation of fear they will continue to control and manipulate us.
All you fake “woke” people out there must’ve forgot or not have even understood what’s going on and who we are. You dress and act like the most profound conscious people, only to be exposed as a fraud in a cheap costume.
Here’s the real: We are physical manifestations of the infinitely expanding creative force of the universe. We are made of the black, transmutable, life-bringing, multi-dimensional, super conductive substance of the universe. There’s nothing we should be afraid of, there’s nothing we can’t do because they universe is mental and the mind is all. This physical realm is an illusion, our imagination is the first reality, and death is only the beginning.
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I’m not worried about some crusty caucazoids with fake money, extreme paranoia, an outrageous inferiority complex, and a melanin deficiency that makes them completely disabled from harnessing ANY power from the infinite universe.
I am a GOD. So are you Black Man and Black Woman. Stop being afraid of a secret club of cavemen. We control this reality, not them. Soon as enough of us get that, it will manifest in the physical realm. Their only power is your fear of them, stop fearing them and they have no power.


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