These 3 African Genesis Stories Predate The Bible By Thousands Of Years

These 3 African Genesis Stories Predate The Bible By Thousands Of Years

For those of you who have been Conscious for some time, you know that Christianity is both a recent invention, and the product of African spirituality.
True seekers of knowledge know that the Bible that we have today was compiled 400 years after the (assumed) death of Christ, and that it was edited and reinterpreted during a series of meetings held in Europe. In these meetings, religious figures would come together to decide what the people should believe, and edited the Bible to reflect those beliefs.
We know that the First Council of Nicaea (325 A.D.) established the date of Easter as the first Sunday after the full moon (the Paschal Full Moon) following the northern hemisphere’s vernal equinox. Ecclesiastically, the equinox is reckoned to be on 21 March (even though the equinox occurs, astronomically speaking, on 20 March in most years), and the “Full Moon” is not necessarily the astronomically correct date.
The date of Easter therefore varies between 22 March and 25 April. Eastern Christianity bases its calculations on the Julian calendar whose 21 March corresponds, during the 21st century, to 3 April in the Gregorian calendar, in which the celebration of Easter therefore varies between 4 April and 8 May.

So the date of Easter, the most important date in all of Christianity, varies between March 20th and May 8th.
And most scholars believe that Easter gets its name from Eostre or Ostara, a Germanic pagan goddess. English and German are two of the very few languages that use some variation of the word Easter (or, in German, Ostern) as a name for this holiday.
My birthday is on the same day every year. If my remains survive 2,000 years, those who see my tomb will know the day I was born (and the day I died). We are able to accurately maintain records of all the events around the life and times of Jesus Christ (just like we know Caesar was born on July 4, 100 BC and died on 15 March 44 BC), but no dates directly relate to the birth, life and death of the most important man ever to live?!
We post pieces like this to inspire critical thinking and curiosity. Once a mind begins to consciously challenge the construct of the matrix and pay attention to factual evidence, then that mind can start to disassemble illusion.

In my quest to understand the true origins of Christianity, my research has led me back to Africa, and to some of the oldest Black cultures on the planet. The first African Genesis story I came across was the Story of Ausar.
But there are three creation stories remarkably similar to those found in Genesis, but that predate Christianity by thousands of years. Reading these might help you understand that the belief system you practice actually came from Africa, and has been bastardized and infected with white values.


The story below was taken from the Basari tribe of Guinea and Benin. A Christian missionary who heard the story in the 1900s wrote “Its important to know that as far as we know there has been no penetration of missionary influence to the Basari. I have therefore to reject the suggestion that a recent missionary influence may lie behind this tale.”

These 3 African Genesis Stories Predate The Bible By Thousands Of Years
Members of the Basari engaged in a Voodoo Festival in Benin.

Unumbotte made a human being. Its name was Man. Unumbotte next created all the animals which dwell upon the Earth, including the snake. Then Unumbotte looked upon the surface of the Earth, and the land was rugged. He commanded man to till the Earth, saying “The earth has not yet been pounded. You must pound the ground smooth where you are sitting.” Unumbotte gave them seeds of all kinds, and said: “Go plant these.” Then Unumbotte went away. Unumbotte came back. He saw that only one of the seeds had sprouted and grown. It was a tree. It had grown tall and was bearing red fruit. Every seven days Unumbotte would return and pluck one of the red fruits.
One day Snake said: “We too should eat these fruits. Why must we go hungry?” Antelope said: “But we don’t know anything about this fruit.” Then Man and his wife took some of the fruit and ate it. Unumbotte came down from the sky and asked: “Who ate the fruit?” They answered: “We did.” Unumbotte asked: “Who told you that you could eat that fruit?” They replied: “Snake did . ” Unumbotte asked: “Why did you listen to Snake?” They said: “We were hungry.”
Unumbotte then gave sorghum to Man, also yams and millet. And the people gathered in eating groups that would always eat from the same bowl, never the bowls of the other groups it was from this that differences in language arose. And ever since then, the people have ruled the land.
But Snake was punished by Unumbotte, and only given a medicine with which to bite people.

The Mbuti Account Of Adam And Eve

The Mbuti of the Congo offer a story similar to the one found in the Bible concerning Adam and Eve.
These 3 African Genesis Stories Predate The Bible By Thousands Of Years
God made the first man and woman and put them in a lush forest. They had everything they could possibly want; there was so much food that all they had to do was bend down and pick it up. God told them they should have children and that all humanity would live forever, and he let them do what they pleased.
But he warned them: “Of all the fruit of the trees you may eat, but of the fruit of the tahu tree you may not eat.” Both promised they would not eat from the tree.
The man wasnt interested in the fruit, but while the woman was pregnant, she was overcome with a craving for the fruit. She convinced her husband to sneak a piece of fruit to her, which he peeled and ate with her. They hid the peels under a pile of leaves so God wouldnt see what his spoiled children had done. Obviously, that didnt work.
“You have broken your promise to me, and for this you will now know what hard work is. You will suffer illness and you will die. And to the woman, she will know even greater pain in childbirth.
Once again, the similarities of this story to the one in Genesis is amazing. Keep in mind that the Mbuti people have told this story for thousands of years as an African Genesis story, whereas the Christian creation story is at best 1000 years old.

Nana Buluku

Nana Buluku is the West African Goddess of all creation who is respected by various tribes. She is also seen as the first woman of the Yoruba religion…the female thought of the creator god, Ashe. She is represented as being both female and male…a goddess and god in one great body.
These 3 African Genesis Stories Predate The Bible By Thousands Of Years
As Nana Buruku, She is not only the first grandmother to all of the Divinities, but also the first human woman in the religion of the Yoruba, the ancient grandmother of the human race. It was of Nana Buluku that the cosmic twins Mawu (the Moon God) who inhabits the west and Lisa (the Sun God) who inhabits the east, were born. They are sometimes noted as the first man and woman.
And it was from Mawu and Lisa came the Cosmic Egg and the Cosmic seed that germinated in the Egg, the creation of all that is. So here, God is a woman!
The stories above were taken fro the books you see below. If you are interested in learning more, add a copy of these books to your shelf.
There are also more than 40 books on African spirituality that you can find below. Never stop learning!


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