Energy and Frequency

“We are now entering the era of energy medicine. Everything in the Universe has a frequency and all you have to do is to change a frequency or create an opposite frequency. That’s how easy it is to change anything in the world, whether that’s emotional issues or whatever that is. This is huge. This is the biggest thing that we have ever come across.”
Dr. Ben Johnson
Throughout history, cultures from all over the world have acknowledged the existence of a Universal Energy Force flowing through everything in the world, including the human body. It has been given many names. In India it is called ‘’Prana’’. In the Far East it is ‘’Chi’’ and in some shamanistic traditions it is described is ‘’Chula’’ or ‘’Amimu’’. Today many people refer to it as ‘’Spirit’’ or the ‘’Life Force’’.
Both the ancient sages and modern scientists agree that everything in life is formed of vibrations. We are told that vibration is the result of force or energy, concentrated in some mysterious way and caused to vibrate, shake or oscillate at different speeds. The difference between one object and another is ultimately a question of rate of vibration. IT is the number and arrangement of the electron within an atom, and the varied cohesion of atoms into molecules, which go to make up these vibratory differences.
Our energy is something we put out into the world. When we notice this interconnection, how we affect one another, we start to take more responsibility for the energy we radiate. When we practice meditation we shift our energy. We begin to operate at a high-vibrational frequency, the frequency of love, and that’s when we are a magnet for more positive energy. When our energetic aura shifts, our consciousness expands, our nervous system neutralizes, and we begin to fully realize and experience a spiritual awakening… the recognition of our divine essence. Things become possible that weren’t before. A miraculous life unfolds in front of us and we can heal ourselves. Read more about Ascension and Physical changes Here


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