Marijuana can cure homosexuality according to new study

Marijuana cures homosexuality

Marijuana cures homosexuality

A scientist in Florida is claiming that his recent concluded study has proven that marijuana has the potential of curing homosexuality, especially among lesbians. Scientist, Dr. Michael Berger, from Tampa, said he conducted his study over a two year period and is expecting the study to be published in the scientific journal later this year.
According to Dr. Berger, the potent aphrodisiac in marijuana not only aroused the participants in the study but in most cases their arousals were for the opposite sex, regardless if the participant checked heterosexual or homosexual.
In one study, Dr. Berger took 30 female spring breakers to Key West, 15 of whom were heterosexuals and the other 15 were lesbians. All 30 had lunch in their hotel rooms, smoke a marijuana joint and then went walking on one of the sexiest Key West beaches. 14 of the heterosexuals felt in the mood to have sex during their walk. All 15 of the lesbians were in the mood for sex but shockingly, 11 of the 15 said they actually felt like having sex with men. “This feeling of being with men only happened to these lesbians after using marijuana”, said Dr. Berger, “it is astonishing, but we are definitely on to something.”

The exact study with the same proportion of participants was conducted with males. Of the homosexual males, Dr. Berger said 7 of the 15 were in the mood to be with a woman sexually after smoking marijuana. “These numbers don’t lie. If a gay person believes he/she is born that way and is interested in becoming heterosexual, smoking marijuana is the best place to start and this study proves that.”
None of the homosexuals in Dr. Berger’s study were regular users of marijuana. Dr. Berger says it is difficult to find homosexuals who use marijuana regularly. “Think of the famous people you know who smoke marijuana,” said Dr. Berger, “They are people like Snoop Dogg, Willie Nelson, Bob Marley, Rihanna and Peter Tosh. They are not people like Elton John, Rosie O’Donnell and Ellen Degeneres. If Elton John and Ellen Degeneres smoked marijuana like Bob Marley and Rihanna, they would most likey not be gay”
Whether Dr. Berger’s study is legitimate remains to be seen. We have seen weirder things coming out of the state of Florida.


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