Heaven and Hell Do Not Exist – Africans Have Been Lied to For Centuries

The idea of heaven and hell are till today, the most genius, tricky and heinous lies that have been told to mankind. And its effect is more disastrous in Africa.
The concepts of ‘Heaven’ and ‘Hell’ are pure fabrications and a tool used to subdue the consciousness and retaliation of Africans. Heaven and hell are European tools of manipulation.  The world is where all flesh must enjoy a bountiful life or suffer a harsh life. Period!!!
There is no white God is the sky. And there is no devil in hell. Of course, what kind of God would sit in the sky and watch the whole world in chaos and do nothing? Doesn’t it surprise you that the same Europeans who brought Africans the story of heaven and hell will arrest you if you dared preached about God in the streets of London?
The same people who brought the Bible and preached the “Vanity” gospel are hell bent on milking the resources in Africa, to enrich themselves. Why aren’t they seeing our gold, copper, diamonds, uranium, cobalt, limestone, crude oil, and many more, as vanity?
Why do they cause wars among us, just so they can sneak in, steal our resources, and create heaven for themselves here on earth? Why are the churches in Europe being converted to hotels and all sorts?Where is their desire to be their God in heaven?  
The concept of heaven with a white God sitting in the sky, and a black (brown) devil with horns burning in hell, Is the gravest of insults and dehumanization the Negro race has faced through European narratives put forward by Christianity, and other Abrahamic Religions.
This image below is one that many African children grew up with under Christian parents. It supposedly narrates the story of angel Michael and Lucifer in the Bible. Unknowingly, the African child and shallow adult are meant to believe that the angels of God are white and that the devil is black (brown) and looks like the African man. This picture portrays that Africans are bad, and justifies the cruel treatment we have gotten from the outside world who look like “God and his angels.” How convenient.
Before the coming of the missionaries, many African tribes and cultures never believed in a “hellfire” where sinners or offenders would go after they die and burn for eternity. The idea of it was so absurd that one would be taken for a drunk or mad person if he/she said such.
Africans believed in reincarnation as the only possible way for one to exit and re-enter this mortal reality. Many tribes believed that once a person died, the soul/spirit will return through a newborn child in that nuclear or extended family.
In many tribes, such as the Igbo tribe of Nigeria, when a child was born, divination was done to discover which of the ancestors was coming back through the child. Some times it was an ancestor from the father’s side of the family, and at other times, it was an ancestor from the mother’s side of the family.
On many occasions, the family tries to identify the child by birthmarks, and statements a child makes when it becomes able to speak. Many times, the child is a complete replica of a dead relative. And the child’s parents and living relatives can’t help but name the child after the dead relative. This is how most African traditions and cultures viewed life and death.
There was a strong belief that whatever sins one committed and died, he would come back to the world to make amends. If one lived a bad life here on earth, he/she could come back and be punished for it. Sometimes, he/she might come back as an animal or a tree.
This was the general belief in most African tribes, and it is so until date. Many of such tribes are, Akamba (Kenya), Akan (Ghana), Lango (Uganda), Luo (Zambia), Ndebele (Zimbabwe), Sebei (Uganda), Yoruba (Nigeria), Shona (Zimbabwe), Nupe (Nigeria), Illa (Zambia), and many others.
There are, of course, different interpretations and understanding of the processes of reincarnation. Some of these tribes believe in a “partial” reincarnation of an ancestor in one or several individuals strictly within the same family, while others believe that it is a continuous cycle of rebirths.
Reincarnation is known in many names throughout the various tribes: amongst the Yorubas of Nigeria rebirth is referred to in various ways, including Yiya omo, translated as the “shooting forth of a branch” or “turning to be child,” and A-tun-wa, “another coming.”
The Igbo call it “Iyi uwa” or “ino uwa” which means “returning to life,” as they believe death is an end to one life only and a gateway to another. Man must be reborn, for reincarnation is a spiritual necessity.
This was how Africans viewed life and death until Christianity came and corrupted their egalitarian nature and high consciousness.
Since these lies have been indoctrinated into the African consciousness, African Christians have surrendered their fate to God, and have allowed the pillaging of their lands by foreigners. They do not fight back, because they believe God will fight for them. Or they believe that the reward for their sufferings at the hands of others will grant them passage into heaven. And so, they fold their arms and do nothing. They believe God will punish the oppressor and send the oppressor to hell.
That’s just arrant nonsense!!!
Till today, these beliefs of reincarnation are expressed and practiced in many tribes, even though they have plenty of them who are Christians or Muslims. And for as long as we Africans live on this earth, deep down, our spiritual entry and exit, would be through reincarnation. The Europeans can hold onto their tales of heaven and hell.
Dear African and African Diaspora; free your mind of that fear and enslavement. You are a god. Neither no hell is real. Reincarnation is our way. We must preach it and believe it.
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