The New Moon in 2nd July

Happy New Moon Soul Tribe! πŸŒ•

Today is an amazing day to rid yourself the chains from the past and step into the LIGHT of new beginnings. The new moon symbolizes the ending of the old and the birth of the new.

So many of you are still holding onto the past and fearing the gift of LIFE and it’s time to let it go. What’s done is done. The more you look back and contemplate the “what if’s” then the more you keep manifesting similar situations and events and ultimately keep yourself trapped. It’s the metaphor of the hamster that keeps running and running on the wheel but doesn’t go anywhere.

You are doing yourself a huge disservice by keeping your eyes fixated on the rear view mirror when they should be looking forward, to your bright and beautiful future. I’m not saying that you can’t or shouldn’t ever look back. It’s actually necessary to WHEN IT IS APPROPRIATE. Reminiscing on something when we need to reference it in the now, to look back making sure we are staying on our path and don’t make the same mistakes, honoring someone’s memory, and so on and so forth.

Dipping your toe into the waters is fine when absolutely necessary. It isn’t doing you any service to jump into the waters and start swimming when you have the possibility of drowning in the past and becoming crippled with sadness, self loathing, guilt, doubt, shame, depression, or anxiety.

Sit down with yourself tonight. Meditate. Bring forth everything in your mind, before your closed eyes, that you are stuck on. FEEL it. BREATHE into it. Consciously release it all and give it to Mother Earth for Transmutation, honoring the past and what it taught you. When you accomplish that then it’s time to dive into your new beginning. Grab a pen and paper and start journaling everything you want to manifest. Write down everything you want to start bringing into your life, what you want more of, the steps you need to take on this new path... Once completed, bring your hands in prayer position in front of your heart center, close your eyes, and focus on all the LIGHT you’re bringing in! SMILE! PLAY IN YOUR MIND! HAVE FUN WITH THIS!!! When we have fun it brings creation and solidifies the integration of the new.

It’s time my friends, step into your Light. You’re ready πŸ”₯


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