The Vatican Removed 14 Books From the Bible In 1684 With No Real Explanation

Typically when the Bible is brought up in conversation, what comes to mind is a source of truth that has not been tampered with.

However, when this book was originally published it contained 80 books and current editions only have 66, and we have to wonder what exact purpose the removal of 14 books would serve?

The Vatican Church or Roman catholic church has been associated with deception for ages. Their atrocities have ranged from genocide many centuries ago against the Cathars to child molestation is more recent years.

The Bible was originally translated from Latin into English in 1611. This “original” Bible contained 80 books, including the Apocrypha, which means hidden.

These Apocrypha books made up the end of the Old Testament, and included the following books:

• 1 Esdras

• 2 Esdras

• Tobit

• Judith

• The rest of Esther

• The Wisdom of Solomon

• Ecclesiasticus

• Baruch with the epistle Jeremiah

• The Songs of the 3 Holy children

• The history of Susana

• bel and the dragon

• The prayer for Manasses

• 1 Maccabees

• 2 Maccabees

Later in 1684, all of these books were removed from the Bible and all of its various versions. The only one left intact was the 1611 edition.

In this first edition, Bible Jesus’ name was spelled Iesus, pronounced Yahushua. You have to wonder why it was changed to Jesus, contrary to the original pronunciation and spelling.

One of the most interesting books of the removed was the “Wisdom of Solomon”. Solomon is one of the most legendary biblical figures from the Bible, as he was the son of David and the wisest man that ever lived. 

Typically, he is portrayed as a benevolent figure, however, this book will change everything that you ever learned about him.

For example, read this excerpt:

Wisdom of Solomon 2:1-24

1 For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright, our life is short and tedious and in the death of a man there is no remedy: neither was there any man known to have returned from the grave.

2 For we are born at all adventure: and we shall be hereafter as though we had never been: for the breath in our nostrils is as smoke, and the little spark in the moving of our heart

3 Which being extinguished, our body shall be turned into ashes, and our spirit shall vanish as the soft air,

4 And our name shall be forgotten in time, and no man shall have our works in remembrance, and our life shall pass away as the trace of a cloud, and shall be dispersed as a mist, that is driven away, with the beams of the sun, and overcome with the heat thereof.

5 For our time is very shadow that passeth away; and after our end there is no returning: for it is fast sealed, so that no man cometh again.

6 Come on there for let us enjoy the good things that are present: and let us speedily use the creatures like as in youth.

7 Let us fill ourselves with costly wine and ointments: and let no flower of the Spring pass by us.

8 Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds, before they be withered:

9 Let none of us go without his part of our voluptuousness: let us leave tokens of our joyfulness in every place: for this is our portion and our lot is this.

10 Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged.

11 Let our strength be the law of justice: for that which is feeble is found to be nothing worth.

12 Therefore let us lie in wait for the righteous; because HE is not of our turn, and HE is clean contrary to our doings. He upbraideth us with our offending of the law, and ojecteth to our infamy the transgression of our education.

13 HE professeth to have the knowledge of the MOST HIGH, and calleth HIS self the child of the LORD.

14 HE was made to reprove our thoughts

15 HE is grievous unto us even to behold, for HIS life is not like other men’s, HIS ways are of another fashion.

16 We are esteemed of HIM as counterfeits: HE abstaineth from our ways as from filthiness: HE pronounceth the end of the just to be blessed, and maketh HIS boast that GOD is HIS father.

17 Let us see if HIS words be true: and let us prove what shall happen in the end of HIM.

18 For if the just man be the Son of THE MOST HIGH, HE will help HIM and deliver HIM from the hands of HIS enemies.

19 Let us examine HIM with despitefulness and torture, that we may know HIS meekness and prove HIS patience.

20 Let us condemn HIM with a shameful death: for by HIS own mouth HE shall be respected…..

These verses bring to mind a few different important questions, such as:

• Who is Solomon speaking of killing with a “shameful death”?

• Why did the Vatican vote to have these 14 books removed from the Bible?

• Why did Solomon sound so crazy and evil in this book?

It seems that Solomon was speaking of Jesus. But Jesus was born roughly 900 years after his death. Could he have prophesied Jesus’ coming? Let’s consider why this could be, who Solomon was talking about?

• They killed the SON with a shameful death

• The SON’s actions or fashions were different from everyone else’s

• HE claims to be and IS the child of The MOST HIGH

• He was a righteous poor man who would look at Solomon and others like him as “counterfeits”.

• HE professeth to have knowledge of The MOST HIGH

Then listen to what Solomon has to say:

• HE was made to reprove (criticize) our thoughts

• We are esteemed of HIM as counterfeits: HE abstaineth from our ways as from filthiness: HE pronounceth the end of the just to be blessed, and maketh HIS boast that GOD is HIS father

• For if the just man be the Son of THE MOST HIGH, HE will help HIM and deliver HIM from the hands of HIS enemies.

And one last thing I would like to point out is when Solomon says;

• Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged.

In contradiction to everything most of us know and believe about Solomon, in these verses he sounds completely evil. According to most Biblical teachings in modern times, we are told to believe that he is the wisest man in the history of the world.

It should be noted that Solomon was largely involved in the Occult. Much of the knowledge and teachings that Aleister Crowley preached about were based on the Lesser Keys of Solomon. Solomon worshiped multiple gods and had a weakness for women.  

It is also worth mentioning that the Temple of Solomon is considered the spiritual birthplace of Freemasonry, which is a secret society of sorts that has been responsible for much of the corruption taking place in our world today.

It has never been stated for sure as to why these books were removed from the Bible, although various speculations have been made. We have to wonder if something darker isn’t behind their removal, and what exactly they are hiding away with these books.

Typically, when something is removed from our direct site by those in power, they don’t expect for us to look any deeper than the surface, but when we do, there is almost always more to uncover than we would have ever imagined.


  1. Great stuff were can a person find these missing books to read?

  2. This article is completely false, those books are still in any Catholic bible that you can purchase today, it was the protestant reformers that ended up taking those books out. How uneducated can the author be?? Go to any bookstore and look in a Catholic bible and you will see those books, the King James Version and all protestant versions do not have them. Wow, I can't believe how completely wrong this post is

  3. The protestants removed the apocrypha, but no one mentions that. The Catholic Church has the same books as the Eastern Orthodox Church does, since they are the oldest churches. The protestants didn't exist until 1517, and at first they put some books in between the Old and New Testaments, then chucked them altogether. Protestants today don't even use the same OT used by Christ, which was the LXX, or Septuagint. They use the later Masoretic text which was unknown in the time of Christ. This link is full of antiCatholic lies, and actually tries to blame the Catholic Church for what the protestants did! I am Jewish and a lifelong student of history, especially religious history.

  4. These books were rejected from the canon for several reasons. Why Don’t We Accept the Apocryphal Books?
    (1) Even though the Septuagint existed in New Testament times and was available to the New Testament writers (the Book of Hebrews quotes from the Septuagint), there are no direct quotations from the Apocrypha in the New Testament nor does the New Testament refer to any apocryphal books as part of Scripture. (2) No general church council in the first four centuries of Christian history endorsed apocryphal books. While some early Christians thought highly of these books, others, such as Athanasius, Cyril of Jerusalem, Origen and Jerome opposed them. (3) While Augustine accepted the Apocrypha, his list is not exactly the same as that found in Catholic Bibles [for example, he omitted Baruch, which is in the Catholic Bible, and he included 1 Esdras, which is not in the Catholic Bible]. Furthermore, Augustine seems to have changed his mind from accepting the Septuagint as authoritative to later recognizing that only the Hebrew Scriptures were inspired. (4) Even the Roman Catholic Church did not officially recognize the Apocrypha as belonging in the Bible until the Council of Trent in A.D. 1546——Catholicism’s response to the Reformation. (5) The Apocrypha appeared in Protestant Bibles even before the Council of Trent and on into the nineteenth century but were placed in a section separate from the Old and New Testaments. (6) Some teachings found in the Apocrypha appear to be unbiblical and even heretical, such as praying for the dead (2 Maccabees 12:45–46) and salvation by works (Tobit 12:9). The New Testament teaches that after death comes the judgment (Hebrews 9:27) and that salvation is by grace and not by works (Ephesians 2:8-9); (7) Some stories in the Apocrypha seem fanciful or even unethical (for example, Judith asks God to help her in a falsehood, Judith 9:10-13).

  5. The Catholic edition Bibles still have the books that are not in the ordinary Bibles///

  6. Books is information. To remove them allow you to control the narrative and develop the character. If you control what people believe, you can control them for generations until they learn to believe in themselves.

  7. This is complete nonsense. You can find the text of the quotation and of the whole book of the Wisdom of Salomon in all catholic bibles until today, but not in protestant bibles.

  8. Did Solomon say the ungodly say these things reasoning with themselves he didn't actually say he said but the ungodly .I guess I don't know 😂

  9. This chapter can be found in the Cepher Bible by the Cepher Publishing Group.

  10. The passage clearly states at the beginning: "For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, " meaning "The ungodly say amongst themselves..."(whatever he says next) That is what Solomon is saying the ungodly say. Not what he himself is saying. That's why 'Jesus said let those who have ears hear.' Everybody wasn't meant to interpret the word. You built a whole argument around something that was not even the truth. Because, he didn't say that. So, back to the drawing board. Creative thinking, though. I'm not saying Illuminati isn't real and that the Bible isn't (obviously) tampered with, and the present day Bible is filled with predictions of the coming of Christ, btw. But, let's present a case on the basis of what was actually written. I really would like to know why the Catholics did it, but, you gotta go back to the drawing board with this one.

  11. I know about the 7 books,but I never knew it was 14.I'm going to serch this even more.thank u my u always Gus

  12. Some of my good friends will tell me I should have holy spirit to understand but with no explanation

  13. Thanks. But the available current Bible is ok to save anyone.

  14. It is how the ungodly think and reason among themselves . Solomon is saying how THEY think and not himself and its totally true . No contradiction .

  15. I a m just in awe, at this revelation! I will now take in mind to seriously believe in and worship Jesus Christ and allow the Holy spirit He filled my mind and soul with ,to lead and teach me and have idolized way for no man. Amen
    Loreen. S.

  16. How about my favorite the book of Enoch

  17. How about my favorite the book of Enoch

  18. How can on find the remaining books

  19. Apparently you missed the fact that Solomon was saying WHAT THE WICKED will say, NOT speaking for himself. But that wouldn't be so easy to miss if you're not only focused of preserving the ERRONEOUS DOGMATIC NARRATIVE of Yahushua being YOUR Lord and Savior and dying for YOUR sins. And shame on you for asserting that Solomon was speaking for himself and not the WICKES as he clearly stated in the first few lines that you quoted.

  20. The level of historical ignorance in this shamelessly plagiarised piece is hilarious.
    1. The Roman Catholic Church did not translate the King James Bible; that was the Anglicans. Who are not the same thing.
    2. The King James was not translated from Latin, but from Greek and Hebrew texts.
    3. The Anglican Church has never regarded the Apocrypha as Scripture, but only as useful books written in the period between the Old and New Testaments.
    4. Anyone bothering to actually read the section from the 'Wisdom of Solomon' in context would realise that it's not the author's actual thoughts; rather he is describing the thought processes of wicked people.
    5. Modern Freemasonry is 18th century in origin; the whole Solomon's Temple myth is simply window-dressing.
    6. This is quite literally the most ill-informed piece of drivel I have read in weeks.

  21. This whole post is riddled with errors.

    First of all, the Vatican did not remove all those books from the Bible, the Protestants did. The Catholic Church still recognizes most of those books as canonical; all except 1 and 2 Esdras and the Prayer of Manassah. The rest are all in Catholic bibles to this day, though not all as separate books. For instance, "the rest of Esther" is incorporated into the Book of Esther, while The Songs of the 3 Holy children, The history of Susana and Bel and the dragon are incorporated into the Book of Daniel. But the rest exist as separate books in the Catholic Old Testament Canon; just check this list of Catholic Old Testament books:

    Had the Vatican removed those books, they would not be in Catholic bibles. But they are because the Vatican never removed them. You won't find them in most Protestant bibles, however, because *they* did remove them. You're blaming the wrong group.

    Second, the quote from the Wisdom of Solomon is not Solomon's personal words, but the words of ungodly men. The first verse quoted above says, "For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright, our life is short and tedious..." See, "the ungodly said..." it is the *ungodly* who say all the words, not Solomon. This includes the later stuff about persecuting the righteous man; Catholics consider that a prophecy of Jesus. Yes, it was written before Jesus was born; that's what makes it a prophecy.

    There are other errors, too., for instance, Jesus' Aramaic name on earth was Yeshua, not Yahushua.

  22. Wisdom is defined in the Bible as obedience to God. So, if Solomon was wise, he was not evil.

  23. Some Christian Churches include some or all of the same texts within the body of their version of the Old Testament.

  24. I guess you think Soloman who built the temple, cast his lot and intent with the UNGODLY that he referred to in the very first of the chapter?? Sorry you misread something there. I have yet to form an Idea or opinion on the "lost books" ONLY to say this Jesus is the ONLY gateway to the Father, THERE is NO OTHER PATH to eternal life. NOT the law OR scriptures BUT the scriptures TESTIFY to the path to the WORD that was with God from the beginning. ONLY repentance of our sin nature and accepting to be born again of Jesus Christ and his nature can deliver ANY of us!! Much Love to all reading!!

  25. The Vatican did remove these 14 books because they were extreme Gnostic texts. They weren't include in the origional cannon completed by the Apostle John. Many of these writings were later re-discovered @ the Nag Hammadi library escavations in Egypt over 100 years ago.
    The Vatican in an effort to ban the writings of radical anti- law Gnostocism to this day does embrace the milder form of Valentinum Gnostocism promoting the Pope as the spiritual authority over different levels of the Laity in their journey through the seven levels of heaven to achieve purity. The main topic of the book of Jude the brother of Christ adresses the eveils of Gnostocism. Gnostic Christainity began with Simeon Magus mentioned in Acts 8 who through socery bewitched his followers that he was a great one. After his confrontation with Philip and the Apostles sent out from Jerusalem when he sought to by an apostleship [sodomy in catholic world] he was rebuked and later migrated to Rome to become the first pope.
    The susposed statue of Peter in Rome is that of Simon Magus. The real Apostle Peter was the apostle sent to the circumcision @ that time mostly resididing in Babylon. The Apostle Paul's ministry and journeys to the un-circumcision is clearly recorded in the Acts of the Apostles. Gnostocism even in its mild form to this day has perminated everything called Christainity and eastern religions including Islam. Together with it's sister religion Greek Helenism the ways of the Nigholatians are being taught. Gnostocism is something God hates as mentioned in Revelation 2 and 3...

  26. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

  27. Vatican is filled with deception.
    Only the gullible ones will believe the so called theory book of faith.

  28. There is no controversy in this chapter. Though Solomon is supposed to have written this, but he says emphatically "For the ungodly say, reasoning with themselves... "
    Solomon was actually only quoting what the ungodly said.

  29. Except that this is not how it happened; quite the opposite really. The Vatican declared the Apocrypha officially part of the canon in the same year Martin Luther died, though they had been toying with it prior.

    They ADDED it in, but the Reformers rejected it for all the right reasons.

  30. He was wise when he was young but got corrupted by the flesh, power and plessures and became a angry bitter old man in his old age...wicked and evil are to good to describe him

  31. The articles following this comment, is swamped with lies, misguiding statements. If you like fiction and mystery, read on..

  32. How can I get a copy of this document?

  33. Very very interesting to know and it should be presented in the knowledge of every one

  34. You're a fucking retard. Bel and the Dragon is Daniel 14 in the Catholic Bible and it's still fucking there. The Prayer of Manasses was never recognized as canonical by the Catholic Church. The Songs of the Three Holy Children is part of Daniel 3, and it's also still fucking there. The Book of Wisdom is still in there. Quit spewing BULLSHIT!

  35. When it is now clear that omission and addition had happens to the Bible from on set, from my own perspective it render the current Bible invalid. So why we are christian? To follow falsehood? .

  36. No wonder Solomon was removed from the bible . The truth about the Freemason's is there .

  37. I read it online. Therefore, it must be true.

  38. I read it online; therefore, it must be true 🙄

  39. Whoa! I think the conclusions of the article is way off.
    Solomon says in verse 1: "For the ungodly said, reasoning with themselves, but not aright" and so on. He is reconstructing, quoting the ungodly. He is not telling us how to act, he is pointing out what the ungodly thinks about 'stuff' and that this isn't right.

  40. It says in the first quote.. the ungodly said...reasoning among themselves but not aright...
    Solomon is not speaking those thoughts He is teaching how the UnGodly think.

  41. They needed to change the narrative for geo-political reasons. Power over the people from their region as well as others, war and control over our evolutionary process. They have manipulated and lied to the people since their inception.

  42. I would love to have copies of those books

  43. Fucking lier. I have the original bible of 1502 you are a criminal who hates God Yahweh was a fake war god of isreal in the iron age and he lived in a tent and had a wife the goddess baal stupid asshole who do you think you bullshitting with your lies

  44. It doesn't matter if the 14 books were removed, God is alive and capable of letting us know whatever was written in those books. The blood of Jesus is able to raise the standards against all evil works. We, the christians are the subject of God's will so whatever is hidden from us is done for our good and He will make good for us anything that is against us

  45. I would love to read those missing books

  46. I'm sure Solomon was snared by the trappings of his own matersism in time. There were 16 crucified saviours throughout ancient history. Perhaps he could have been speaking of one of them that has been lost to antiquity? His words seem very much like our current president would say. Infact any tyrannical dictator. This World has known way too many. Funny it's the western Euro/Jewish that revere this man so. It draws the question if perhaps it is they that have this secret ideals written in their hearts. Looking at our World today I dare anyone to claim differently.

  47. Very well written.Thank you . Its all about ending the lie of separation by recognizing Nature with a capital "N". Call me pagan if you like.

  48. Total blindness did the blind person who asked the questions at the end not read what was printed. It stated the UNGODLY say such things, think these things and do these not Solomon! So he wasn't claiming to have such thoughts or BELIEVERS OR THE RIGHTEOUS! From verse 1 to 20. Read and read again ! Only ungodly people speak, think and act so. And that is what Solomon was reflection upon how they move and act regarding the Righteous. People with such questions think they are being smart but only display and prove their ignorance and spiritual blindness

  49. The very first sentence tells you who Solomon is talking as, he is speaking as "the ungodly " duh. Who are the "ungodly" talking about? Duh again, first themselves and their own rotten behavior and then the goodness of JESUS and how they will treat Him.. Yes Solomon prophesied Jesus Christ.

  50. I was Spirit-filled in 1984, and have a brother-in-law whose a first degree Mason. He don't like me much. Rick Snider, Open Minded Ministries Decatur, Al

  51. How do you find these books that have been removed from the Bible

  52. At chapter 2 verse 1 it says that these are the beliefs and attitudes of the ungodly. He wasn't attributing these views to himself but to the ungodly. "For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves" and continues from there.

  53. Where are the removed books now?

  54. The truth finally comes to light

  55. It's no wonder that these books were removed. In every language there are characteristics that are identifying markers of the way that a person speaks. These writings were evidently removed because it doesn't even sound like God although religious word salad is used in every line.

  56. Solomon doesn't sound evil unless you ignore the first sentence. He is speaking in third person regarding how the ungodly thinks, believes and operates.

  57. As a follower of Jesus the Man the torah has little to no value. Because people use it to warp ideas to fit their own idea.
    . What little I read you have little to know knowledge of spirituality

  58. Nonsense! They are still in the (Catholic) Jerusalem Bible.
    These books were removed by Protestantism after the Reformation.

  59. As an Atheist theBible is as much as a flying hoot to me, but friend when and how did you find the missing chapters, and what is the use of quoting from these chapters, are you as naive to believe that anyone would care, or is it for your personal gain perhaps, somehow ?

  60. Very interesting, what you post about the bible. This is really deep and a thought to process wisely. Thanks for sharing. Did you bring this up with the iuic leaders?

  61. Who has posession of the 14 books which were removed from the Bible?

  62. Wow.. “Mind Builders Fellowship”, you are gravely mistaken. Please study carefully and with prudence. I suggest you remove your “explanation” of the scriptures before the “unlearned” are led astray.

  63. He wasn't saying he would oppresse,he was prophesying the thought of the wicked rulers of this world ,who oppress the rightouse ones and poor

  64. What about the most important?
    The Reencarnation!!!

  65. Um, Catholic Bibles have these books, and always have. Orthodox Bibles have these books, and always have.

    Protestant Bibles DON'T have them, and with the exception of the 1611 KJV, never have.

    They were removed by the 2nd century Pharisee, Akiva ben Judah, and the reduced canon serves as the basis for the Masoretic text used by the Jews. The Reformers (Luther, Calvin, et al) chose to follow the Jewish lead on this.
    However, the early church used the Septuagint, a Greek translation predating the birth of Christ. The 'deleted' books come from there.

  66. Where can I get a copy of the missing 14 books?

    -Gives more context, definition and assumption to help understand the two testaments.
    -revealed where the 12 tribes are today, or where they would be today
    the 4th beast is revealed.... its an eagle
    -shows jesus didnt change anything but the laws of sacrifice as well as the uniting of the 12 tribes. because they were split under solomons son

    Say what you want, but IUIC of , these Irsaelites have given more sense to these things than ive seen my entire christian and jewish life. you want to know more go to these guys. no one else was using the appocrypha in their church these guys and gals use the 1611 kjv. yea you gunna get your feelings hurt, but its a good trade for the true understanding. am i wrong?

  68. Solomon wasn't advocating any of this, in fact quite the opposite. He was showing examples of faulty reasoning by unrighteous people. This is obvious from the very first line.
    For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright, our life is
    short ...
    Maybe modern puncuation will help:
    For the ungodly said (reasoning with themselves, but not aright), "our
    life is short ... etc."
    Solomon says here that their reasoning is not right. So everything that follows is an example of ungodly thinking.

  69. I hope you realize that in verse 1, solomon starts with
    "For the ungodly..."
    All the vileness described are descriptions of how the ungodly think.

  70. I thought the apocrypha (sp) were still included in the catholic bible. Only excluded in the protestant bible.

  71. Did you forget the difference between the st Jerome bible (aka catholic) and silly ones like Protestant editions king James? Much was left out of kjv; including the exclusion of those books now known as the apocrypha. Remember that designation was not given until a bunch of Protestants decided certain books were not really from god. Many had to fight to keep the book of James in the Bible and within evangelical circles is still considered questionable. I think it’s because James is the Christianity in action... and action is so non christian

  72. These books are now in a separate collection known as the Apocrypha.

  73. Interesting read. Perhaps this was a write up of what kind of people that would come. As the progression of the modern age. The wisest were murdered and sent into exile. The great teachers of Kemet/Egypt left east Africa for West Africa and became influential in the Dogon Tribes. The Greeks, Hykos, Romans and finally western Europeans have caused endless bloodshed, poverty, disease and chaos. I see that these phrases call out the subjugation of northern Africa to a 'T'. The barbarians that have claimed the world since their emergence from the Caucus Mtns. The World has descended into the current level of chaos and despair for the meek and lowly. The tyrannical maniacs have raped the planet for all possible riches for themselves and enslaved the masses in their wake. These verses are definitely from their the peoples of the Caucus' playbook. Damn the indigenous, death to the wise, corrupt the innocent, pollute nature and destroy compassion and decency everywhere. Elevate the unclean in heart and spirit, the greedy the Godless, the pitiless the warmonger and the whore together. They'd destroy all life rather than allow a drop of a compassionate act come from them.

  74. Publish the entire 14 books so we may read and ponder.

  75. It was not removed by the Vatican; it was removed by Martin Luther. Catholic Bible has those same books till today

  76. All these books were a part of out family bible. A catholic bible. It's the king James version that thay are missing

  77. No religion has internal logic or coherence. They are built on the needs of the moment.

  78. What about book of Enoch and also the Gospel of Thomas??? Also removed from the bible

  79. This is nonsense, catholic bibles still have those books, is the English king James Bible that doesn't

  80. The truth is probably hard to accept in a world line of power . Revolution is here... New and better age is approaching rapidly... Thanks God it’s happening ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨

  81. This is FALSE...Solomon being a PROPHET of the MOST HIGH is speaking (as the Edomites...and their thought process toward the righteous seed, Israel) He says it right at the begining. We must be careful how we hear...and discern carefully, less we deceive ourselves and others.

  82. You are totally misreading what is said here. Go back to the first verse and get a dictionary out. Solomon is not saying to do these things, the ungodly reasoning with themselves not rightly said these things. They him they refer to is God. At that point Solomon believed in God and was a godly Man . A righteous man was a man of God. The ungodly are saying let's do these things and if God so great he'll save them from us. Try again.

  83. The Apocrypha and the missing books are all available online to download as free PDF files. I have them.

  84. Solomon was giving voice to the evil in men's hearts, shining a light upon it...not condoning it in any. How dense or deluded must someone be not to see this ?

  85. Now, some are getting the point. The basics of Christianity had been corrupted step by step throughout the whole 2000 years. And it is clear to know who plots it for anyone who understand the deception. Anyhow, what matters is how to return to our natural and holy spiritual subconscious. How to wake the whole world, enlightened by the true wisdom of God?
    Let me tell you guys. God didn't let you all be lost in the wilderness. All his righteous words from the beginning of the day are kept safe in a country which is completely forgotten by the whole world. ETHIOPIA. You may heard many negative reviews online . But if you really want to know more dig deeper. Research Ethiopia and Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. I'm willing to help anyone interested. GOD BLESS💚💛❤

  86. Now, some are getting the point. The basics of Christianity had been corrupted step by step throughout the whole 2000 years. And it is clear to know who plots it for anyone who understand the deception. Anyhow, what matters is how to return to our natural and holy spiritual subconscious. How to wake the whole world, enlightened by the true wisdom of God?
    Let me tell you guys. God didn't let you all be lost in the wilderness. All his righteous words from the beginning of the day are kept safe in a country which is completely forgotten by the whole world. ETHIOPIA. You may heard many negative reviews online . But if you really want to know more dig deeper. Research Ethiopia and Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. I'm willing to help anyone interested. GOD BLESS💚💛❤

  87. Hmmm curious angle ... your comments on Freemasonry are quite silly & based on conspiracy nonsense (You might like to look into Robert Anton Wilson and the Discordians or The Leo Taxil Hoax) ... as for Solomon, it is a long bow to draw in suggesting that we prophesied the coming of the Nazaorean it seems to be angled to fit your bias ... also what evidence do we have that these were indeed Solomon's words ... and why did you not comment on some of the other books ... it would seem that you're pushing and agenda.

  88. So much hidden..Revealations are coming out our Ancient DNA is being brought into question .. and awakened.
    They never want to share knowledge..light.. using fear and death to oppress.
    Still works.

  89. Ridicoulous!!!! The Protestant Church removed the Apocrieva! The Roman catholic bible still contains these books!!! And the Protestant King James excluded these books!! Sorry, but you are a fool...

  90. And along came Martin Luther... and the Protestant revolution... and the demise of the Catholic Church... and the invention of the printing press was in there somewhere too.

  91. Very interesting article but, why can't people proofread what they write beforehand?

  92. I disagree with the pronouncement of Jesus name....was not yahushu.. that is a Babilonic name.

  93. Many of these books are still in the Catholic Bible. I'm confused.

  94. Remember Solomon had many wives and they worshipped foreign Gods. I am sure he was straying at times

  95. Wisdom of Solomon was not written by Solomon, so it can't be prophesying about anything. It was written well after Jesus' death, so it can't be anyone prophesying about him either. While the Catholic Church considered it part of the "Old Testament" it is not and has never been part of the Tanakh.

  96. Bin franchement il devrai les publier sa pourrais etre intéressant a lire

  97. Say, wha???

    Come on, you don't even have to do research to find out this post is not true.

    Just pick up any old or new version of any Roman Catholic Bible, sanctioned by the Vatican, with the Roman Catholic Imprimatur . It contains all these books!

    The Protestants removed them, not the Vatican. In fact, this is common knowledge for most any Catholic or Protestant who has even a cursory knowledge of the Bible.

    Protestants removed these books because they were already not recognized by the Jews to be part of the Jewish Cannon of the Tanach (Old Testament). These books existed in Greek, but not Hebrew.

  98. These 14 books are still in the Old Testament version used by the Eastern Orthodox christianity, The septinguist.

  99. fact is King James the gay one did it to the bible to reduce womens imput

  100. What are the sources for this article? I did not see any footnoting. In these days of "fake news," one must be careful of taking things as "Gospel truth", especially when someone is trying to attack the Church. We know that, since as early as the Apostolic Age, the anti-Christ has tried to attack the Church, her leaders, & members any which way he can - from outside as well as within.

  101. It seems the whole quote from Wisdom of Solomon is quote what the wicked say, not what Solomon says:

    "1 For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves,..."

    All those statements were made by the ungodly.

  102. When one starts a journey to uncover the 'real' truths it is arduous contract they enter into.
    Articles like this are most important.
    Thank you

  103. Why do people misunderstand what Wisdom of Solomon 2:1-24 says? The clue is here, "1 For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright." He's not saying that's what he says or thinks.

  104. Watch it people. Deceptive lies interwoven with some truths. Read it and decern it for yourself

  105. APTTMH. The Truth will be revealed.

  106. Do you know anything about canonicity? I’m sorry I clicked on your bait

  107. I was always of the belief that the church removed these books because they, for various reasons, undermined the power of the church and contradicted the teachings of the church.

  108. To me, the reason this makes Solomon sound evil is he is standing up a strawman of "the ungodly," not speaking as himself.

    "For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright" begins a statement supposedly by "the ungodly" as a group.

  109. I believe that the Old Testament has absolutely nothing in common with Christianity, so the Vatican should completely detach it from the New Testament.

  110. OT is a good abbreviation, for the books we of today refer to as the Old Testament were written (in a code with no vowels) down to crystalize a centuries old ORAL TRADITION. As for the NT, the Hellenized Jews who composed our core works of Christian tradition were, each and every one, working a narrative, not accounting an accurate, objective, history. That's why the gospels disagree, while, in most cases, they share the same root writings. Remember the "There will be no sign given to this generation" quote? Soon as Jesus was dead, Paul was already creating signs, like the flame of the "Holy Spirit" which comes right out of Greek mystery cults of the times.
    Personally? I feel that Saul/Paul, a hereditary tax collector, knew he was being sent to die in Occupied Jerusalem . . . a place where Roman tax collectors were at extreme risk of death. Those who sent him wanted an incident so they could mobilize the Senate to send troops in to quell the state of constant revolt in Judea. Saul, on the other hand, didn't want to die to make a point for rich old Romans, so he went to ground in the new mystery cult, and, having a facile tongue, became its leader. The rest is narrative history altered to make it seem seamless.

  111. Excellent comment! This author has certainly done his research.

  112. hmmm well all i can say is that Solomon was a seer of sorts to predict the life of jesus as it is mentioned long before he was born....tells me he predicted the coming of saying that we have people who lived in this world who had the same traits....Nostradamus was another who predicted his own death and also the digging up of his own grave to be removed to allow a highway to be built.....he may be no different than that of Solomon......and no i would not imagine they are of the society of freemason...unless of course the freemason used his predictions to create themselves....

  113. Catholic bibles have 72 books. Protestant Bibles have 66 books. Makes me question the knowledge or truthfulness of the authors of this article.

  114. If their God is as powerful as they say he is why don't they ask him to clear covid19 out, stop all wars and illnesses. No ,thought not because it is all fictional.

  115. These books were NOT removed from the Catholic Bible.

  116. Removed them in 1684? Those books weren't in the 1611 Bible. But it is quite a nice disinformation site you have here.

  117. The Apocrypha was never considered scripture by the Jews or early Christians, it was never quoted by Jesus or any apostle. Even in the 1611 Bible they were not represented as scripture. The issues you quote above actually prove they were not true scripture because scripture cannot contradict itself.

  118. The Apocrypha was included in Luther’s 1534 Bible, but was printed between the Old and New Testaments with this explanatory note:

    “Apocrypha: These books are not held equal to the Sacred Scriptures, and yet are useful and good for reading.”

  119. I have a Bible with the Apocrypha: I Esdras, II Esdras, Judith, Wisdom of Solomon, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch, I Maccabees, II Maccabees.

  120. Good information! The enemy removes verses from the Bible to make it hard to understand. Luke 9:55 is being removed from new translations because it shows that Satan, not God, destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

  121. Good information! The enemy removes verses from the Bible to make it hard to understand. Luke 9:55 is being removed from new translations because it shows that Satan, not God, destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

  122. The passage was misread by the author of this story. If you note at the beginning it is stated whom Solomon is referring.

  123. Solomon maybe the wisest man, he didn't know 4 things...those were the 4 working Times of the Most High..
    1. The Creation
    2. The Death
    3. The Saviour
    4. The Everlasting Life.

  124. Must not be Salomon himself who did spoke this way. His book is a summary of wisdom. The text is written from the perspective of (quote)" the ungodly (men) reasoning with themselves". All further text refers to them (Plural).

  125. I think you are getting this completely wrong, he is talking as if from the attitude of the unwise, those who condemn the righteous, it begins with 'For the ungodly said' and it is the ungodly who he is putting words in their mouth for throughout this entire chapter.

  126. The Protestants removed these books. You are spreading a lot of chaos by this misinformation. So your research.

  127. Many misconceptions stated here!

  128. The way I read it, "For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright" (the first line quoted) indicates that all that follows is a continuation of how the "ungodly" think; hence no contradiction to the Solomon of popular imagination.

  129. It is impressive that every word you just typed is completely wrong. Good on you!

  130. Who removed the book of Enoch.

  131. I love the Apocrypha and the lost books of the Bible they have enriched my understanding of the holy scriptures.

  132. Censorship to protect those in power why else

  133. Censorship to protect those in power why else

  134. Would you all quit posting This? These books are in the Catholic Version of the bible. They aren't in non Catholic versions. Vatican did not remove it. They added it. Other denominations accepted it but called it the apocrypha when these books were found.

  135. God the Father is in control of everything that happens. He allows everything, not even Satan can do anyrhing without permission. O, and we give that permission so easily.
    The wise king Solomon turned against God. See 1 Kings chapter 11 (vers 41 speeks of another Book).
    Once one accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and become born again, you receive the Holy Spirit. God's Word (Jesus) teach that who els but the spirit knows the heart, just like our spirit knows our heart, so does the Holy Spirit that of the Father. So to have the Holy Spirit one has access to the Most High. The Bible we have today, teach us enough to know that we may dig deeper and search for the truth, but when you accept Jesus and follow Him 100% (I don't believe that there are many who want to do this today) you will receive all the answers to what you ask in His name. No more searching. Question for self : Is my faith Rapture approved? We all have a lot more growth in faith to do than we might realise.
    Jaco Vorster.

  136. God the Father is in control of everything that happens. He allows everything, not even Satan can do anyrhing without permission. O, and we give that permission so easily.
    The wise king Solomon turned against God. See 1 Kings chapter 11 (vers 41 speeks of another Book).
    Once one accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and become born again, you receive the Holy Spirit. God's Word (Jesus) teach that who els but the spirit knows the heart, just like our spirit knows our heart, so does the Holy Spirit that of the Father. So to have the Holy Spirit one has access to the Most High. The Bible we have today, teach us enough to know that we may dig deeper and search for the truth, but when you accept Jesus and follow Him 100% (I don't believe that there are many who want to do this today) you will receive all the answers to what you ask in His name. No more searching. Question for self : Is my faith Rapture approved? We all have a lot more growth in faith to do than we might realise.
    Jaco Vorster.

  137. God the Father is in control of everything that happens. He allows everything, not even Satan can do anyrhing without permission. O, and we give that permission so easily.
    The wise king Solomon turned against God. See 1 Kings chapter 11 (vers 41 speeks of another Book).
    Once one accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and become born again, you receive the Holy Spirit. God's Word (Jesus) teach that who els but the spirit knows the heart, just like our spirit knows our heart, so does the Holy Spirit that of the Father. So to have the Holy Spirit one has access to the Most High. The Bible we have today, teach us enough to know that we may dig deeper and search for the truth, but when you accept Jesus and follow Him 100% (I don't believe that there are many who want to do this today) you will receive all the answers to what you ask in His name. No more searching. Question for self : Is my faith Rapture approved? We all have a lot more growth in faith to do than we might realise.
    Jaco Vorster.

  138. This is not correct. The Vatican did NOT remove those Books, because the Vatican is the head of the Catholic Church, and those Books are present in any and all Catholic Bibles. You mention the KJV Bible and blame the Vatican?
    Hypocrites !

  139. The efforts to destroy Christianity and wipe it out completely is not tied to the church itself, but is tied to Islamic invasion, looting and slave raids which aimed to commit genocide on Europe and occupy it. They tried for 1300 years but failed. That's why you have damages and fragments to the Bible. They also killed all the scholar and the uneducated peasants were stuck with it which is why it turned narrow mibded and extreme at one part in history.

  140. Lost tribes say king Solomon was black. We we called the N for 3000 years they was white privilege. Human flesh eaters cannibal hell .had go threw jungle of bush people to get to king Solomon temple . That's Amazon flesh eaters. They took lost tribes from Africa on slave ships and they tell stories of the city .

  141. This should explain who Esau mixed with Ishmael.

  142. “For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright, our life is short and tedious and in the death of a man there is no remedy: neither was there any man known to have returned from the grave.”

    Note the first sentence. He’s providing a view into the mind of the wicked. He’s not saying that as if he’d do it or promoting it. In terms of Solomon having his shortcomings, that’s a given as it’s already established in Scripture that humans are born into sin thus needing Jesus and His Gift to be in good accordance with the Father and to receive the Holy Spirit.

    This is a bad attempt at trying to discredit Jesus and His Church.

  143. “For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright, our life is short and tedious and in the death of a man there is no remedy: neither was there any man known to have returned from the grave.”

    Note the first sentence. He’s providing a view into the mind of the wicked. He’s not saying that as if he’d do it or promoting it. In terms of Solomon having his shortcomings, that’s a given as it’s already established in Scripture that humans are born into sin thus needing Jesus and His Gift to be in good accordance with the Father and to receive the Holy Spirit.

    This is a bad attempt at trying to discredit Jesus and His Church.

  144. “For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright, our life is short and tedious and in the death of a man there is no remedy: neither was there any man known to have returned from the grave.”

    Note the first sentence. That’s a clear indicator showing that he was giving a view into the mindset of wicked people. He wasn’t saying he’d do that nor promoting it. In regards to Solomon having his shortcoming, that’s a given being that it’s already established in Scripture that humans are born into sin and fallen. Therefore that is why Jesus came down to make things right with the Father and give us access to His Heavenly Kingdom and beat death. It’s with this that we can receive the Holy Spirit.

    This is just a bad attempt at discrediting Jesus and His Church.

  145. Whenever the Vatican gets involved it's about power or money

  146. I have some problems with the argument made by this blog.
    1. Those books are still in the Catholic Bible today. In fact. I was given a copy of the Bible that my grandpa used to own and he was a Catholic. All those books are in there.

    2. There was no such name as "Yahushua" in the Hebrew, it was pronounced "Yehoshua". Yeshua is the shortened version of it where the name "Jesus" came from.

  147. I will have to investigate this, because as far as I know the canon of both the Old and New Testaments was set at the time of the Vulgate Latin translation of 450 A.D. There were some books which some have included which were never a part of the original canon of Scripture, which are now known as the Pseudipigraphia and the Apocrypha. Perhaps these are the books in question. The Gnostic Gospels (pseudo-Christian books with Greek Gnostic philosophy) were also never part of the original canon first established in 120 A.D. and on the list of New Testament works listed in the library of Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius in 180 A.D., and then the Council of Nicea canon set by the first "Christian" Roman Emperor Constantine I and the Eastern Orthodox Bishop of Constantinopolis (Byzantium) in 325 A.D.

  148. Why would you even consider calling the corrupt books coming out of the Vatican, which the article doesn't trust anyway, for the "original" bible.

    There is not a single "the bible" there are over 6000 single manuscripts and the original was certainly not in Latin, but in Greek, which was later made into Latin.

    Some of the older manuscripts are from the 200-300ths.

    So which one would you trust? Something from 1500 hundred, or 4000-6000 manuscripts that back each other up against those funny books that this article mentions, that teaches people about the catholic purgatory and that lying is ok or praying to your ancestors etc etc... (Tobit).

    And the KJV of 1611 was not directly translated from Latin, and certainly not from that Catholic text which they utterly distrusted. It was also from Greek.

    Perhaps dig a bit deeper next time : )

  149. There is so much that is historically and factually inaccurate in this post, even starting with the headline. The Vatican refers specifically to the Roman Catholic Church which includes the books you've mentioned in their Bible. The 1611 King James Bible was Church of England, and it does not include the apocrypha because they used the Masoretic texts instead of the Septuagint for their biblical canon. There's nothing hidden or secret here -- it's all very well documented and has been written about extensively. I'd suggest reading the Wikipedia articles on "Apocrypha" and "Catholic Bible" for more information.

  150. The Roman Catholic Bible contains a number of the books mentioned above.

  151. The Catholics use THE LATIN VULGATE which includes all the books mentioned. It is the Protestant church that only has 66 books. The premise in this article alone proves the author doesn't know a thing or two about church history.

  152. So how do we get to read a copy or summary of the books removed?

  153. Brilliant exegesis. Last paragraph should use *sight* not *site*.

  154. Our Father has given us ALL we need in the words His Son Jesus spoke, to ensure our eternal life with Him for eternity.
    It is man that has formed the religions.
    All worldly believers must forsake the words of man and listen ONLY to the words of our Lord Jesus for in these words ONLY is the Truth.
    Turn to your Lord Jesus and deny man !!!
    He has asked this and many have heard but few listen.
    For it is written
    man SHALL NOT live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
    Love Jesus with all your heart mind and soul and obey the commandments given to you.
    Peace be unto you and yours

  155. As I read this, I saw 20 verses, all in line with each other, read in the 3rd person “ For the ungodly said reasoning with themselves, but not aright, our life is short and tedious and in the death of a man there is no remedy”.

    So I perceive this chapter, as not what Solomon said, but what others -“the ungodly” -had said, that Solomon is quoting. There fore, when it is said

    “ Let us oppress the poor righteous man, let us not spare the widow, nor reverence the ancient gray hairs of the aged.”, that is not Solomon talking, but the ‘ungodly’.

    Though I could be wrong.

  156. Well they cannot alter the words of God so I guess the best next thing is keeping them out altogether.
    No 1 , up there is telling us you cannot be born again in the physical life, obviously, it is in spirit. A re awakening in spirit is what takes place. This is the one and only meaning to life, gaining this spiritual awakening.
    The Egyptians celebrated this divine event , it was called the Ses festival, when someone was born again, something modern man knows nothing about and why we are on a total path of destruction in this cycle of man. Man has not been shown the truth and meaning to life for him to move on consciously, he will just reincarnate back into this world of ignorance time and time again until he wakes up to the truth. The reward for the totally ignorant is to return as a fish, this is the lowest of low for an ignorant man. Yes we cross species in reincarnation, so think ???when you eat one.

  157. "had a weakness for women."
    dont we all?

  158. You forgot to mention the Book of Enoch. That one is a doosy.

  159. 1. 1684 happened after the Protestant Reformation, which were the ones to remove books out of the Bible.

    2. It was Martin Luther who removed books out of the Bible. He even wanted to remove James, because it did not align with his theology. Furthermore, Luther compared the books to the Jewish books OF HIS DAY, while the existing Bible used books in the time of Jesus.

    3. The 'Gnostic Gospels' were never part of the Bible and we're not a Christian group (hence they followed Gnosticism). They were written in the 5th century in a style as if it was based on first person writing. The gnostics therefore are neither Christian, never used by early Christians, nor were they written by the people their titles claim to be from (ie the Gospel of Thomas was not by Thomas as he died 4 centuries prior).

    4. Compared to the New Testament, St. Paul wrote 13 of the books and the rest were disciples. While St. Paul did not know the disciples he did live in a time where the Christians he persecuted before his conversion did actually have contact with Jesus and the disciples. The last book St Paul wrote was before 100AD, which is 3 centuries before the Gnostics were written.

    5. That headline is simply not true. The Vatican did not remove any books in 1684, let alone anything after it was put together after the canonical books were established in 382AD (so what the Catholic Church uses is the same since 382AD). Yes, the Deuterocanon (which the Protestants name as the Apocrypha) is part of the Catholic Bible. Note that this date is BEFORE any of those Gnostic Books were written, which I want to emphasize were not Christian.

    6. Proper research to ensure it is historically accurate isn't that hard, especially with the internet. Find legit resources, even if you are not using The Vatican as a source.

  160. 1. 1684 happened after the Protestant Reformation, which were the ones to remove books out of the Bible.

    2. It was Martin Luther who removed books out of the Bible. He even wanted to remove James, because it did not align with his theology. Furthermore, Luther compared the books to the Jewish books OF HIS DAY, while the existing Bible used books in the time of Jesus.

    3. The 'Gnostic Gospels' were never part of the Bible and we're not a Christian group (hence they followed Gnosticism). They were written in the 5th century in a style as if it was based on first person writing. The gnostics therefore are neither Christian, never used by early Christians, nor were they written by the people their titles claim to be from (ie the Gospel of Thomas was not by Thomas as he died 4 centuries prior).

    4. Compared to the New Testament, St. Paul wrote 13 of the books and the rest were disciples. While St. Paul did not know the disciples he did live in a time where the Christians he persecuted before his conversion did actually have contact with Jesus and the disciples. The last book St Paul wrote was before 100AD, which is 3 centuries before the Gnostics were written.

    5. That headline is simply not true. The Vatican did not remove any books in 1684, let alone anything after it was put together after the canonical books were established in 382AD (so what the Catholic Church uses is the same since 382AD). Yes, the Deuterocanon (which the Protestants name as the Apocrypha) is part of the Catholic Bible. Note that this date is BEFORE any of those Gnostic Books were written, which I want to emphasize were not Christian.

    6. Proper research to ensure it is historically accurate isn't that hard, especially with the internet. Find legit resources, even if you are not using The Vatican as a source.

  161. The Catholic Bible still contains this book and we know what it means. It is not Solomon that is evil here rather what is portrayed here are the thoughts of the evil man...and it is true to the letter.

  162. This contradict the fact that solomon was the wisest king why worship the creation when one can worship the Creator?

  163. The Bible couldn't have been "originally" translated from Latin to English, because it was written in Hebrew(OT) and Greek (NT). Also, I understand that the guy who translated it INTO Latin (Jerome) did some tampering of his own!

  164. I don't understand how you can get "Yahushua" (at least three or four syllables) out of Iesus...

  165. "An ORGANIZATION that help each and everyone to liberate themselves by renewing of the mind and flashing out the unwanted elements out of the mind". I'm a proofreader. This needs to be corrected to say "...that helps..." "...each and every one..." "...and flushing the unwanted elements out of the mind..."

  166. He is not talking about jesus, he is talking about the righteous man, that is the same as what Jesus taught, he said you are gods son just like me, it was known 900 years before Joushua Emanuel came to save the Jews who had been turned into a private army.

  167. Can the vatican jus tell the world the truth about removing the rest off the page..

  168. You need to understand what you are actually reading, because this excerpt says that the unrighteous reason with themselves, but not a'rightly
    ....that's means that the following list is a compilation of wrong thinking...

  169. Tobit, Judith, 1 & 2 Maccabees, Wisdom, Sirach (Ecclesiastes), and Baruch are still in the Catholic Bible.

  170. He was clearly speaking from the point of view of the "ungodly"

  171. First Solomon was not talking about himself. #1 says "the ungodly man". Not Solomon himself.

  172. It seems like the passage is Solomon (or whomever) writing from he point of view of "the ungodly...reasoning with themselves but not aright". And what kind of thinking these people use as justification to persecute what or who seems to be prophesied in the passage. Therefore questions about Solomon's (or whoever's) sanity are not relevant to the context of the passage.; making the article, while informative on some levels, filled with bias in its analysis of the passage. One has to ask at this point "what it the author of this passage's agenda?" Seemingly both to inform and mislead.


  174. Who writes this with such self-ordained authority?

  175. You completely turned/hijacked that chapter of scripture to mean something else (your agenda)...shameful

  176. This is complete manure. The Protestants removed those books. The Catholics Bibles still have them, as do the Orthodox Bibles.
    Catholic and Orthodox Bibles are based on the 2nd century BC Septuagint canon, the first translation of the Old Testament Hebrew texts into Greek.
    Protestant and Jewish Bibles are based on the Leningrad Codex, the oldest complete Hebrew Old Testament from 1000 AD.
    Get your facts straight.


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