Why Black Christians May Be Shocked To Learn Who The Real Father of Christianity Is

Why Black Christians May Be Shocked To Learn Who The Real Father of Christianity Is

It is no secret that Christianity has been used as a tool for world domination and white supremacy. Therefore, in understanding the world around us we must also understand how Christianity was altered and used by Europeans to conquer the world.
Christianity as you know it and practice it was not ‘created’ by Christ, but by a Roman Emperor – Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus. You know him as Constantine.

Constantine’s Rise To Power

Constantine was a vice-Caesar to Emperor Diocletian in the East. His father, Constantinus, was a Caesar under Emperor Maximinian who had won a number of battles and had earned the loyalty of a large part of the Roman military in the West. When Constantinus died suddenly in 306, the loyalty of the Army would pass to his son Constantine.
In 303, Emperor Diocletian had begun one of the worst persecutions of Christians in history. Christians were fed to beasts as entertainment for the Roman masses, their churches were destroyed, their scriptures were thrown into great bonfires, and their treasures were seized and melted down. Christians were forbidden from holding any official ranks within the state, and bishops were jailed, tortured, and crucified. Constantine, newly promoted to his deceased father’s position, bore witness to the atrocity of universal persecution, but did not speak out or oppose it. Instead, Constantine quietly went about managing large public works projects, consolidating his support of the people, and earning a reputation with his military victories.

In 304, both Diocletian and Maximian (both co-rulers of Rome) retired and after manipulation by Galerius – a competitor for the Roman throne – Diocletian appointed him as supreme ruler in the East. Galerius would then show favoritism to one of his colleagues named Licinius by making him supreme ruler in the western part of the Roman Empire. Constantine felt slighted, but was unable to respond as his power base was further North in the lands of his father where loyal troops were ready to support his claims of legitimacy.
And so Constantine fled to his power base, where he now had the favor and backing of a large military force, the legitimacy of the support of the former Emperor Diocletian, and a number of successful public works projects under his belt. Galerius declared Constantine a Caesar – not all powerful, but a likely successor should anything happen to Galerius. This infuriated Galerius’ own son-in-law, Maxentius, who rebelled, declared himself an emperor in the southern parts of Italy and North Africa.
The stage was set for battle.

‘With This Sign, You Shall Conquer’

After a series of other events and much political machination, Maxentius offered Constantine battle in the year 312. Although Constantine’s force was significantly smaller than that of Maxentius, Constantine would have history revised to explain his victory. The Greek historian Eusebius wrote the following:

Accordingly he [Constantine] called on [God] with earnest prayer and supplications that he would reveal to him who he was, and stretch forth his right hand to help him in his present difficulties. And while constantine was thus praying … a most marvelous sight appeared to him in heaven. He said that about mid-day, when the sun was beginning to decline, he saw with his own eyes the trophy of a cross of light in the heavens, above the sun, and bearing the inscription “by this sign, you shall conquer” [in hoc signo vinces]. At this sight he himself was struck with amazement, and his whole army also, which happened to be following him on some expedition and witnessed the miracle.
He said, also, that he doubted within himself what this apparition could mean. [presently he fell asleep] and in his sleep the christ of god appeared to him with the same sign which he had seen in the heavens, and commanded him to procure a standard made in the likeness of that sign, and to use it as a safeguard in all engagements with his enemies.
After waking up, Constantine had his troops create new battle standards (seen above) that symbolized his vision. The first two letters of the Greek word for ‘Christ’ – ΧΡ – were placed at the top of the cross.
Why Black Christians May Be Shocked To Learn Who The Real Father of Christianity Is
With a new standard leading them, the cavalries of Constantine charged into the front lines of Maxentius’ force pushing them into the river that was to their backs and causing a fleeing Maxentius to drown.
Victorious, Constantine fished the body of his enemy from the river, cut his head off, and paraded it through the Roman capital for all to see. Constantine also ordered that every achievement of Maxentius, every honor that Maxentius had bestowed, and every monument that he had built be destroyed, forgotten, or stricken from the record.

The First Holy Roman Emperor

It was following this victory and the accolades that Constantine received that he recognized the power that the idea of Christianity had over others. It’s important to note that Constantine did not declare himself a Christian until the day he died, but that didn’t stop him from using the power of the idea of Christianity. Constantine consolidated his gains and secured the support of the church within the Roman empire.
While Constantine was away, Galerius died in 311 from a particularly gruesome bowel cancer, and Licinius was declared all powerful Augustus in the Eastern half of the Empire. Licinius would continue the persecution of Christians within the empire, but the momentum that Christianity had gained was unstoppable. Constantines popularity with the church led to the demise of Licinius when Constantine declared a ‘holy war’ on his colleague. Licinius made his last stand in Bithynia, home of Nicea and Byzantium, where he was defeated by Constantine in 324. A year later, he was hanged and Constantine was now the supreme ruler of all of Rome.
Following the defeat of Licinius, the new Holy Roman Emperor moved his seat of power away from the old pagan capital of Rome to Byzantium. Thus, Eastern Rome came to be known as the Byzantine Empire, and its capital city would be renamed Constantinople in honor of its founder. All the pagan gods of Rome would be forgotten – along with all of Constantine’s enemies – and assimilated into a framework of Christian symbolism.
One of Constantine’s first power moves as the new Holy Roman Emperor was to establish himself as an authority within Christian church. To do that, he convened several synods (pronounced sin-ates): conferences that called presbyters (church elders) and bishops together for the purpose of either asserting or denouncing positions taken by authorities within the church.

Why Black Christians May Be Shocked To Learn Who The Real Father of Christianity Is
Constantine (depicted center) holding the Nicean Creed

The assertions that would become Christian law (also known as Canon, or the ‘truth’ as many Black Christians today call it) wasn’t decided by research, or by divine intervention. It was decided by Constantine himself, who would mediate debates and decide the final vote.
In one such example, a priest named Arius made the assertion that Jesus Christ was not an eternal being, that He was created at a certain point in time by the Father. Other Bishops argued the opposite position: that Jesus Christ is eternal, just like the Father is. Constantine prodded the bishops and others present to make a decision by majority vote defining who Jesus Christ is.
The statement of doctrine they produced was one that all of Christianity would follow and obey, was called the “Nicene Creed.”
This wasn’t a creed based on divine intervention, but based on a vote decide on by a Roman Emperor who would uphold and enforce the creed. Anyone declaring anything other than the creed was considered a heretic.
Let us be clear about the political motive behind Constantine’s use of Christianity: during his time Rome was largely polytheistic, worshiping a group of gods and goddesses. This made it difficult for any ruling authority to unify and subjugate the people.
Without the power of a unified Roman empire, and realizing the influence that religion had over the hearts and minds of the people, Constantine saw Christianity as the one thing other than the sword that could solidify his power over the empire.
  • It was Constantine who decided that Sun-Day (the day of the Sun, as the name of the first day of the week derived from Kemetic (Egyptian) astrology) would be the day Christians would worship God
  • It was Constantine who decided the day that all churches would observe Easter
  • It was Constantine who decided the doctrine concerning the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost
  • It was Constantine who decided which books of the Bible would be included in the final version, and which ones were to be left out
  • It was Constantine who decided how you would be allowed to worship God.
Thus, the man who is the most responsible for modern Christianity is not Jesus Christ himself, but a Roman Emperor – just like the one that killed the Messiah.
If you still consider yourself a Christian, you have a God-given intelligence and a responsibility that demands you know the truth about what you practice and what you preach!

Comment Below

Did you learn about this in Church? If not, why don’t you believe this information is being taught? How – if at all – has this new knowledge affected your perspective on Christianity? Do you think that exposing Black Christians to the truth will change the way they worship? Leave a comment below!


  1. The history is some how, yes Christianity became free religion during his reign,& infact pax romana. But how could you persecute what doesn't exist before hand?
    2. The apostle' creed was formulated to checkmate herecy of the time. Though he supported & even was in attendance. Can then be the founder of Christianity? Or is it junck journerlism?


  3. No entiendo como afecta esto a los cristianos de color. Gracias .

  4. All explanation is correct. After Jesus death, his apostles have already foretold that there will be a great APOSTACY. But that will never change the truth about our Lord, his presence, his teaching, his father, his death and resurrection. To sum it up, he reminds us, Iam the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Blessed those who heed his word and follow him.

  5. Yes i do. The history of Christanity should be taught to all not just blacks.

  6. No,I didn't learn of this attending the Christian church,I became aware of this knowledge once I came into the knowledge of being a Hebrew Israelite,and through that awakening I began to want to know the truth of my origin,and that of my ancestors.I believe the this truth is not being revealed is because the pastor's of these churches have s vested interest in keeping the people in a deep sleep. One must think that these"pastor's"know the Truth of the scriptures,but because of their desires have elected to drink from the cup of the"mother of Harlots",and have joined the covenant of deception. My perspective on Modern Christianity is that it's paganism wrapped in fake doctrines,and emotional entertainment done so to keep the people in a desolate state. I believe that some"black Christians will/are awakening to the truth,but many are stiffnecked&rebellious,and are comfortable in their sin. To walk in this truth you must die of yourself,and many aren't willing to do so. Shalom

  7. Tell that to a roman Catholic. Jesus is the founder ,head,ans owner of our church

  8. When Constantine did as he did with the mixing of Christianity and from what historians say Mithraism, which can be said t have gotten its sun worship from Egypt. NOT ALL Christians followed, like the Jewish Christians that kept Sabbath and wanted nothing to do with Rome's perversion of the Christian religion. This cased an East West split to develop, with Papal Rome and her perversion of Christianity to try and take over ALL of Christendom( Dark Ages and the Crusades would follow) Papal Rome was the western part of this split, the eastern part tried to remain true to the religion it was named after Christ. Would like to point out that at the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, by Rome many faithful believers of the Messiah were forced to flee to other parts of the then known world taking their manuscripts with them. Some, like the Ethiopians were not even known by Rome till some 1000 years after the fact. So Ethiopia had Christianity before Constantine did all that you claim. The point being what he did was establish the Papal Roman Catholic church(western Christianity) and her dogmas, which were not Biblical(hence the split). He even ordered Gnostic Bible from Origen of Alexandrea Egypt for the capital city of Constantinople.

    This was some quick information to share with for I did learn much of this in my church, but sadly not all churches teach of the split and what Rome did, not even history always tell of this split, as the case in your article. This can TRULY help Christians to get the big picture of truth about their religion and have stronger faith in the Word of God, for what Rome did is foretold in scripture by the prophet Daniel and Rome is pointed out as being an anti-Christ power, as Paul had already stated the spirit of this power was already at work. Lastly, by changing the worship from Sabbath to Sun-day, some Christians ignorantly worship satan the actual sun god! And he is the one that said he would be like the most high. So why would he not start a church using man as the figure head, Pope, to get his worship as the Bible also foretold about. So one the TRUTH is out we ALL can see Rome for who she is as the Bible as already declared her to be a mother of many harlots. I hope this may cause others to check into church history, specially western Christianity and Rome’s part in the remixing/white washing/Europeanizing of the the religion of the Bible.

    God bless

  9. When Constantine did as he did with the mixing of Christianity and from what historians say Mithraism, which can be said to have gotten its sun worship from Egypt. NOT ALL Christians followed, like the Jewish Christians that kept Sabbath and wanted nothing to do with Rome's perversion of the Christian religion. This cased an East West split to develop, with Papal Rome, the western split, and her perversion of Christianity to try and take over ALL of Christendom(Dark Ages and the Crusades would follow) The eastern split tried to remain true to the religion it was named after, Christ. “The Nicean Council set the new imperial religion on the wrong track. It condemned Sabbath-keeping and established what Constantine called 'the venerable day of the Sun'. Sun worship had been part of Roman worship since the collapse of the classical pantheon in the first centuries.” This quote came from a simple Google search on “forced sun worship”. Would like to point out that at the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, by Rome many faithful believers of the Messiah were forced to flee to other parts of the then known world taking their manuscripts and religion with them. Some, like the Ethiopians were not even known by Rome till some 1000 years after the fact. So Ethiopia had Christianity before Constantine did all that you claim. The point being what he did was establish the Papal Roman Catholic church(western Christianity) and her dogmas, which were not Biblical(hence the split). He even ordered Gnostic Bible from Origen of Alexandrea Egypt for the capital city of Constantinople.

    This was some quick information to share, for I did learn much of this in my church, but sadly not all churches teach of the split and what Rome did, not even history always tells of this split. This can TRULY help Christians see the big picture of truth about their religion and have stronger faith in the Word of God, for what Rome did is foretold in scripture by the prophet Daniel, and Rome is pointed out as being an anti-Christ power, as Paul had already stated the spirit of this power was already at work during his time. Lastly, by changing the worship from Sabbath to Sun-day, some Christians ignorantly worship Satan the actual sun god! And he is the one that said he would be like the most high. So why would he not start a church using man as the figure head, Pope, to get his worship as the Bible also foretold about. So when the TRUTH is out/seen, we ALL can see Rome for who she is as the Bible as already declared her to be a mother of many harlots. I hope this may cause others to check into church history, specially western Christianity and Rome’s part in the remixing/white washing/Europeanizing of the religion of the Bible.

    God bless

  10. Okay so Emperor Constantine didn’t create or start Christianity. So then how did Christianity come about. Who started it

  11. Constantine conquered the Pagan Roman Empire which was persecuting and slaughtering Christians by the millions. He rid the empire of idol worship and Satanic pagan religions and legalized Christianity so the Christians would no longer suffer the persecutions like they had under the Pagan Roman Emperors. He was a good man who professed Christ. That is the true history of Constantine as told by historians from back then.

  12. Constantine conquered the Pagan Roman Empire which was persecuting and slaughtering Christians by the millions. He rid the empire of idol worship and Satanic pagan religions and legalized Christianity so the Christians would no longer suffer the persecutions like they had under the Pagan Roman Emperors. He was a good man who professed Christ. That is the true history of Constantine as told by historians from back then.

  13. I am not aware of the agenda behind this Blog, but if it is THE TRUTH, then my observation is in safe hands.
    1. POWERFUL WHITE EUROPEAN RACISTS claimed a monopoly on God, Christ, and the world!
    2. POWERLESS NON MUSLIM BLACK RACISTS now claim a monopoly on God and Christ!
    3. Both WHITES and BLACKS ignore ARABIC-ARAMAIC languages, yet claim authority on "Biblical" terminology!
    4. Everybody should know that when the foundations of any building are not solid, it will eventually crumble down! We saw White Christianity crumbling down each day that goes by!
    5. Non Muslim Blacks are just fooling themselves and have not learned the lesson of TRUE HISTORY!
    6. I found only ONE religion and ONE God among the Arabian or Arabic (Semitic) speaking people of the "Middle East" worshipped by Egyptians, Persians, Arabians, Israel, Christians, as well as others, before corruption crept in.

  14. I always wonder why black churches celebrate Christmas, Easter, and some of the other ungodly pagan holidays. IJS.

  15. All of this history contradict one another but the holy spirit reveals to us all the truth we needed.

  16. I believe it will give a guided direction. Probably ,wec be more reasonable and direct energy that enhance our faith in Christianity accordingly towards thruth that will set us free.

  17. yes very much,very curious to know the real truth so we can worship God as he's supposed to be worshipped

  18. Constantine's christianity is not the true Christianity in the bible. His is catholicism which in practice is not true christianity.

  19. While Constantine, may have made such decision about how Christianity would be portrayed there is one clear fact that remains and that is the bible must be lived by faith, and the inspired written word of God has been undoubtedly proven it's self time and time again and the promises and teachings of Jesus shall continue to bear fruit while we wait for his return.

  20. Deception from the top...
    All these and more will soon change and I trust that some few elite group are not happy for the Black man to realise this.

  21. Live a good life, be kinds to others, love and honor your parents and your children, and the history won't matter

  22. Islam is the final upgrade to christianity.

  23. What a bunch of garbage. The idea that Constantine and the Council of Nicea picked and removed certain books from the New Testament was popularized by Dan Brown of Da Vinci Code fame. The Council of Nicea met only to determine a stance of the divintiy of Jesus and his relationship to God.

  24. I've always felt within that Christianity was being used to control the masses. This reading really drove it home. Thank you for your research.

  25. As an atheist who knows this history, it always saddens me to know that religious folks have been indoctrinated into believing what amounts to mythology. They have not researched what they believe in as the truth. If they invested the time, they should conclude that God is an unproven concept, and the bible is just mythology that has been manipulated to benefit conquerors who used it as a tool of control. Peace.

  26. As a child I used to read the Bible, the old and the new testament...I read
    it at home, and understood it as I could as a child, I enjoyed reading it - and seeing it happening in front of my inner eye ...when I became older and began to prepare for my first holy communion, as all other children do, I realized the power of prayers and worshipping God, ...and so
    I understood God as a living God, that lives within us when we turn to him,a serve him and live by his rules...
    It doesn't matter, who invented Christianity as it is our personal decision and our will how
    to worship to have God in our lifes, but as it is a living God, we have to serve God within our life...

  27. Some of what you said is true, but most is FALSE INFORMATION. I urge people to research for themselves to search out the truth.

  28. These are very powerful and informative historical facts, however the Hebrew Bible prophecies have predicted these things must "come to pass". We must remember so-called Western civilization, during the 300's BCE was mostly polythetic and worship the creation rather than the Creator. Even emperor Constantine worshiped the sun. Finally, we should never for get that the Supreme Creator (Yahweh) uses anyone HE choses to bring forth HIS Devine plans. For the Old Testament prophet Isaiah declares, " My ways are not your ways and neither are My thoughts your thoughts", says the Yahweh.

  29. Far too many errors, mistakes, misunderstandings and false truths to comment, item by item.
    Suffice it to say that any touris guide in Rome could confute the points made, one by one, and prove this entire article a hoax.

  30. imagine george bush in iraq killing, raping Arabs and pillaging then he saw a vision of Allah in the sky with Koran and saying with this you shall conquer .the constantine story is crazy.this is just a good example i can give not meant to offend anyone

  31. Christianity is supposed to be based on the teachings of Paul who received word from God to go out and teach the world about Jesus. Constantine did not have the influence that Paul had regarding the teachings of Christ. His words were sounding brass and tinkling cymbals and fed hungry people that refused to hear the right version. The New Testament teaches about Jesus but not following those teachings has led to what we have today. Constantine capitalized on Christianity much like whites have but it in no way diminishes the truth. The day of the week does not matter to me for I worship Him daily. Constantine taught religion..a big difference from Christianity or being like Christ. He did things to satisfy himself and for his convenience. Christianity is a way of life that offers little convenience. Whites followed the same playbook and still do.


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