Hidden Akan Secrets Of Ages: Why Death Took Odomankoma!

Source: by EL KOBY PI
Why Death Took Odomankoma!

Odomankoma is not humanoid! It is Odomankoma that is the true creator of the universe - this is religiously called Divine Providence. This is what the scientific community try to explain using the big bang theory, entanglement theory, string theory or all the physics theories explaining the origin of the universe.

Odomankoma did not create humans. It was NYAME, son of Twene-Adu-ampon Kwame who genetically engineered mankind. So in Akan, our ancestors used to say, Twene-Adu-ampon Kwame bɔɔ Nyame. This is very ancient saying. It is the Abrahamic religions and monotheism that corrupted us to think Odomankoma , Nyame, Twene-Adu-ampon Kwame, Nyankropɔn, etc mean the same thing!!!

In this website, we address the identity, nature and function of Odomankoma and Twereduampon, two Abosom (Deities) who are Functionaries of the Creator and Creatress of the Universe Nyankopon and Nyankonton (Ra and Rait). Odomankoma and Twereduampon are called Atem (Atum) and Khepra (Khepri) in ancient Kamit and Khanit. Moreover, these Abosom (Deities) are subordinate to Nyame and Nyamewaa - the Great Father and Great Mother who comprise the Supreme Being - called Amen and Amenet in Khanit and Kamit.

The idea that Akan people are monotheistic is totally inaccurate. Moreover, Odomankoma (Atem) and Twereduampon (Khepra) are not 'titles' of Nyame (Amen) or Nyankopon (Ra). They are actually separate and distinct Deities. Many Akan people have been misinformed by priests/priestesses, 'elders/elderesses', scholars, linguists, etc. regarding the identity of Odomankoma and Twereduampon because of a lack of actually communicating with and learning from them.

In Akan cosmogony, we say Odomankoma bɔɔ owuo maa owuo faa no. What does it mean? Let us consider things Odomankoma created in Akan: Odomankoma created season (space- time principle), okyerema/drummer (sound energy as principal creative energy) and , Herald (Order). This means the universe was birthed through orderly combination of subatomic particles/energy with the influence of sound as a key creative energy in space-time.

Odomankoma is esoterically and scientifically pure creative energy, after creation, it became inconceivable with the naked eyes. So the Akans wanting to explain the subliminal nature of the creative energy that birthed this universe, they said death took Odomankoma.
Meaning, Odomankoma can longer be seen. Remember that your ancestors knew that energy can neither be created nor destroyed...and this is why they believed in life after death and reincarnation. However, they didn't say Odomankoma reincarnated or went to asamando. But they said death took Odomankoma - Odomankoma can no longer be seen after creating the universe. Odomankoma (energy) is woven in the very fabric of the universe

Odomankoma is a creator and with Nyame and Nyankopon forms a triad. Nyame represents the revolving universe; Nyankopon, its Kra, or life-giving power; and Odomankoma, the visible world. Odomankoma is many and is everywhere visible. He alone created the world, working with his mind and his hands: a divine craftsman, he created the world by carving or hollowing it out from an inert substance devoid of Kra. He represents creative intelligence, and is venerated as the god of the earth with its mountains, plains, seas, rivers, and trees.

In his role as architect or craftsman (Borebore), he first created water, the primordial ocean. He then created heaven and earth by lifting up the one and setting down the other. Then other creatures followed, mankind and beasts, the thousands of powers, those things that are seen and those that are not, the numerous things in this world, and the seven-day week, each day of which is ruled by a planet. Odomankoma created Death and Death killed him; Odomankoma left his affairs in the hands of Nyame and Nyankopon. After his death, Odomankoma was resurrected.

Nyame, the supreme being, is eternal, infinite, and the creator of the universe; he is remote from men and unconcerned with their daily life. He is one of the sources of fertility and father of the lesser spirits, or Abosom. A spark of fire enters the bloodstream of every individual from Nyame and so animates him. Man is the offspring of Nyame, the first member of the triune deity—Nyame, Odomankoma, and Nyankopon. Nyankopon is regarded as the great ancestor, source of all wisdom, bestowing on each man his unique talents. Odomankoma is the ultimate ancestor. Nana is the pattern and paradigm, mediator and exemplar, of the supreme ideal. Human life is one continuous stream flowing through all men. Man has to die to discover his completeness in the undying god. Daughters of Nyame include Asaase Afua, the goddess of fertility, and Asaase Ya, the mother of the dead.

In ancient times, men grew weary of dying and therefore decided to send a messenger to Nyame to complain. They selected a sheep to take the message. To assure that the messenger took the message correctly, they sent a second; for that purpose, they selected a dog. The dog, knowing that he was much swifter than the sheep, did not leave with the sheep but delayed for a time. As the sheep went along the road to Nyame's town, he came to where an old woman lived. She had found that some of her salt supply had been damaged by water, and it was not possible to dry it. She had therefore thrown the salt into the bushes outside the village. As the sheep moved along, he was eating the grass where the salt had been thrown, and, liking the taste, remained there a long time. In the meantime, the dog came along the same road but did not see the sheep in the countryside. He hurried on and reached Nyame's village first. He told Nyame that he and the sheep had been sent by men to deliver a message to him. When Nyame asked what the message was, the dog told him that men said that they wished to remain dead when they died and not to return here. Nyame said that it would be as they requested, and the dog returned. Along the way, he met the sheep and told him what he had done. The sheep explained that a mistake had been made, and they both returned to Nyame. But Nyame refused to alter his initial decision, which is why men die and do not come back again.

So in Akan cosmogony, we don't worship Odomankoma but rather worship Adu/Anu or Twene-Adu-ampon Kwame (Sumerian or Akkadian leader of the Gods/aliens who Assyriologists called Anu). They (the aliens or religious Gods from the sky) genetically engineered us to be their servants. Your ancestors knew the difference between Divine Providence (Odomankoma) and the humanoid alien scientists who created us to serve them (Adu Kwame and his pantheon). Akan is the remnant of ancient civilisations such as Akkadia and Sumer.

Have you noticed that in Akan libation, all entities invoked are or were beings that could be seen? Our ancestors only worshipped God they could see and this is why we don't mention Odomankoma in libation. And we also don't say Nyame come for wine because Twene-Adu-ampon Kwame is supreme than Nyame.

Do you know that in Akan, ancient word for sky is Nyan? Any thing related to the sky or space has nyan as prefix. So we have Nyan-konton (rainbow), Nyan-konsuo (rainwater or sky water), Nyan-kro-pɔn (Great One of/from the sky), Nyan-konpasakyi (vulture).

Our ancestors were very enlightened. It is this ignorant generation who think those who rather lived with the Gods/aliens (Nyame was living close to us but that old lady...) were naive about the universe. Most of their sayings were so scientifically deep that they need serious decoding. Their sayings weren't superstitions or myths but were codes for only the illuminates or the initiates...

Source: by EL KOBY PI

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