How to Manifest Anything You Want Using Sexual Energy

Everything is energy.

Sex energy is one of the more powerful forces we possess as physical manifestations of source energy. How do I know, you ask? Think about it, sexual energy literally creates life.
These days, due to lack of knowledge and a wave of “sexual liberation”, men and women truly waste energies that when focused in the right direction could yield magnificent results.
Now energy cannot be good or evil. Energy is energy. However, it can be utilised with good or bad intentions and it can also be wasted away.
Do you know that constant daily masturbation or meaningless hook-up sex involves building up your sexual energies and letting it waste away? There is nothing wrong with that because i’m no prude but those that wish to manifest their desires (whether good or evil, though i’ll always encourage you to do good) should be more selfish and protective of their sexual energies.
Remember the basic Law of Attraction formula: desire + intention + strong emotion = manifestation. Typically, LOA teachers ask their students to manifest using the feeling of excitement at their desires being manifested. This excitement energy comes from the Solar Plexus Chakra and can be effective. Some LOA veterans prefer to make use of the feeling of love to complete their manifestations. The green energy of the heart chakra is also works well for this purpose.
However, I wish to advocate for the use of the feeling of pleasure, i.e. our sacral chakra energy, to manifest. The process of transforming sexual energies into strong emotional force for your manifestations is called sexual transmutation and I’m going to show you how to do this.
But first, let’s talk about orgasms.
The Energetic Profile of an Orgasm
Physically, an orgasm causes a man to release seminal fluid and a woman’s uterus to contract sporadically. In both genders, breathing ramps up, the pulse quickens as well as blood pressure. The center for behaviour control in our brains shut down and we are in a state of total surrender. These are only physical manifestations of what happens on an energetic level because during orgasm, there is an unrestricted flow of energy through the chakra system and one’s body is in a state of ultimate receptivity. At the point of climax, you are at one with your higher consciousness, which is why no one can really describe the feeling. Sex and climax has been used for centuries as method by which one can experience enlightenment (google the practice of Tantra).
Therefore, during an orgasm, you can channel the released accumulated energy towards your goals for manifestation.
Steps to Manifestation with Sexual Energy
Step 1 — Set out your goal. You can write it down, visualise it or both. With visualisation, ensure that you have a very clear, detailed picture of your desire, complete with the emotions you would feel when you achieve your goals.
Step 2 — Build up your energy. Hold off on climaxing for as long as you can. Don’t masturbate for week, month or how long you can hold off. When you feel the urge, a tingling in your crotch area, close your eyes and visualise the energy reaching up and being absorbed by all your chakras up to your Sahasrara (crown chakra). You will feel it, like a bolt of heat up your body. As you do this, focus on your goals as much as possible.
Step 3 — Release to the universe. Choose a day to release. I advise to be very deliberate about this. I choose a day like the full moon or waxing gibbous as natural energy is at its peak during this time. If you are manifesting wealth/abundance, then the full moon is absolutely perfect as its divine feminine energy is the abundance bringing energy. During the act, focus on your goal and the emotions as established in step 1. You can focus on whatever is creating the arousal to get to the point of orgasm and just as you climax, call up the most vivid visual of your goal while channelling the feeling of orgasm upwards into you like in step 2. If you like sigils, you can hold on to the sigil and focus on it during climax (if you are alone) or trace it on your partner’s body with your finger (Please get consent first).
Step 4 — Trust the universe. Expect synchronicities , inspiration and motivation and act on it.


  1. It works believe me. It also allows the aging process if you like. It is the Well-Spring from where all wonders flow....

  2. I'll give this a shot then, I'll know if it's a valid method for subsequent application.


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