All Of The Occult Sciences Were Developed And Revealed By Ancient Melanated Minds

The science developed and revealed by ancient melanated minds, particularly in the Egyptian priesthoods, has been used to create every major religion and school of philosophical or metaphysical thought.

What is Occult science? A general definition for such an extraordinary subject would be: Accumulated and categorized knowledge of the “hidden”, unseen forces and processes of nature that govern reality, in the physical world and non-material world. Occult subjects would be considered things like the supreme circumstance of the mind, magnetism, electricity, astrology, anatomy, alchemy, universal laws, etc. Basically, the science of self and the universe, inside and out. These phenomena are generally “hidden” to the masses of the public, at least in terms of active utilization for “magical” purposes, because most people are content in their ignorance and will never investigate the supreme sciences of the universe and their own peculiar circumstance in the grand scheme of things.

Whoever possesses this supreme knowledge of self and the universe has access to higher realms of consciousness which allows the adept to function as a true and living God.

Unfortunately many of the ancient text which contain this knowledge have either been destroyed, or stolen by the caucazoid whom masquerades as the founder of supreme knowledge. Many still erroneously credit the Greeks for the development of the “higher sciences”. George G.M James said it best, “The Greeks were not the authors of Greek Philosophy, but the people of North Africa, commonly called the Egyptians were.” Greek philosophers did not discover anything, they stole it from the Egyptians.

Something else to consider, everywhere supreme wonders are found on planet earth in the form of an ancient understanding of complex science expressed in discovered art, literature, or architecture you also find the likeness of Black (melanated) people. From the magnificent Olmec Heads in Mexico, to the giant depiction of Buddhas with negro features engraved in the mountains of Cambodia, and the endless depictions of Black people in Egyptian art and sculptures. If the Greeks were truly “doing it big” like they say there would be no need for archeologists to spend most of their precious time looking for answers to the mysteries of the universe in the ancient civilizations of “primitive” melanated people around the world, the Greeks should have all the answers right? Why aren’t the Greeks etched in stone around the world in massive monuments to be remembered and revered forever since their “intellectual contributions” were so profound? Apparently what they dig up in Greece is insufficient in satisfying intellectual curiousities, the “good stuff” is always found where melanated people are.

If you read the classic Occult books written by the caucazoid ( Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi, The Hermetic Science of Transformation by Giuliano Kremmerz, etc.) you will see them repeatedly pay homage to Hermes Trismegistus and the “supreme universal wisdom he endowed to the world”, but scarcely mention that Hermes is none other than a Greek version of the Egyptian God Thoth. Although books such as The Light of Egypt by Thomas H. Burgoyne say it plainly that all esoteric, metaphysical, and occult science was developed and revealed by ancient melanated minds.

Despite the desperate attempts of those whom wish to conceal or destroy ancient knowledge, enough information has “slipped through the cracks” to provide a curious melanated mind with a foundation of occult science that will eventually germinate into a holistic understanding, rather than a fragmented perspective. An understanding of the Laws of Tehuti (which most know as the Hermetic Principles, the Greek rendition of Kemetic science developed by the Priesthood of Tehuti), The Mind, Melanin, Magnetism, and Energy is enough to help any sincere student fill in the blanks.

Many of the Occult books available to us at this time have fragmented truths, and even worse, the non-melanated perspective of the Caucazoid. Unfortunately, the true researcher must sift through the filth to find the gold and acquire knowledge wherever it may come. They have had much more access to the stolen occult knowledge than melanated peoples in this time period due mostly to archeological robberies of ancient books and artifacts, yet they are unable to utilize the knowledge they discover and write about because of their biological circumstance. It is practically impossible to interact with nature and energies on a supreme level without sufficient levels of melanin.

The ability to produce “magical” phenomena is but a fairy tale for the non-melanated mutant. Meanwhile, the ability to produce “magical” phenomena is a natural occurrence of the melanated mind. This is why it is important to reclaim the supreme occult sciences which were developed and revealed by our ancestors, our spirituality is our technology if we develop ourselves to fully express our supreme circumstance. With knowledge of self and the universe the advanced melanated mind can function as a true and living God, maintaining a capacity to manipulate atoms and energies through mental conception or spiritual alchemy to produce a desired result in the physical reality.

The quantum reality of melanin – the black, transmutable, life-bringing, multi-dimensional, super conductive substance of the Universe – can only be understood truly through occult science, for it is the key to acquiring a supreme circumstance. Blackness, from a metaphysical perspective is power indeed. Dr. Richard King opens up the book, African Origin of Biological Psychiatry, with summarizing the phenomena of blackness (the black dot). This study of “blackness” and “melanin” was a priority study of our ancient ancestors:  

Black Dot is and ancient symbol for blackness, it is the black seed of all humanity, archetype of humanity, the hidden doorway to the collective unconsciousness-darkness, the shadow, primeval ocean, chaos, the womb, doorway of life. This ancient symbol for blackness was the subject of intense scientific investigation over a period of 300 thousand years by profound ancient scientist who were themselves black in consciousness. A long line of highly intelligent scientists studied their own essence, and discovered a hidden doorway to their souls and spirits; a doorway to advanced laws and rhythms that span the universe. They discovered universal laws rooted in the black seed, feeding every dimension of time and space. Theses original titans found that all life came from a black seed, all life was rooted in blackness, and all things possessed a memory of their collective ancestors. Blackness, the universal solvent of all, was seen as the one reality from which life’s loom spun. All colors, all vibratory energies were but a shade a black. Black was the color of the night sky, primeval ocean, outer space, birthplace and womb of the planets, stars and galaxies of the universe; black holes were found at the center of our own galaxy and countless other galaxies. Black was the color of carbon, the key atom found in all living matter. Carbon atoms linked together to form black melanin, the first chemical that could capture light and reproduce itself. The chemical key to life and the brain itself was found to be centered around black neuromelanin. Inner vision, intuition, creative genius and spiritual illumination were found to be dependent on pineal blood; born chemical messengers that controlled skin color and opened the hidden door to the darkness of the collective unconscious mind, allowing the ancient priest-scientist to visualize knowledge from the mind’s timeless collective unconscious memory banks.

If Black people are the “Original” humans, the archetype of humanity, then it makes perfect sense how you will see melanated minds at the origin of everything: agriculture, animal breeding, architecture, art, astronomy, business and trade, cash and currency, ceramics, clothing, dance, economics, healthcare, housing, jewelry, mail, mathematics, medicine, metalworking, mining, music, pottery, science, shoes, spoken language, sports, technology, and written language. This includes Occult Science, which was developed by melanated minds for the melanated mind.

It is our nature to be a supreme creator, that is why we are the foundation of all that is genius and creative.

Melanated peoples are biologically equipped to produce “magical” phenomena – the ability to consciously manipulate atoms and energies of the universe at will by way of mental force, conceptions and/or spiritual alchemy – and with the active use of the occult science (knowledge of the unseen forces and processes that influence the universe and everything in it) passed down from our ancestors melanated peoples have the potential to evolve into something even greater.


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