Virgo Super Full Moon Ritual 9th March 2020
The Virgo Super Full Moon on March 9th will shine a light on an area of our lives that has been hidden or ignored for too long. We may discover new realizations or find ourselves feeling the need to purge and release the past so we can move forward. No matter what arises for us under this powerful Super Moon, we are being guided to accept ourselves, our lives, and the circumstances we find ourselves in. It is only through acceptance that we can begin to heal and move forward. There are strong healing and intuitive vibes connected with this Full Moon too. In this ritual, you will be guided to activate and open to these abilities so you can receive guidance, wisdom, and closure. This ritual is best done between March 7-17, 2020 Virgo Super Full Moon Ritual You will need: Old T-shirt or similar item of clothing you no longer want (you can also use a large sheet of butcher’s/wrapping paper) Candle Rice or any other grain of you choosing (uncooked) Flower pet...